Recognizing the week of April 21 through 27, 2024, as "National Crime Victims' Rights Week" in Pennsylvania to recognize the rights of crime victims and survivors, along with those professionals who provide important services to victims of crime.

HR 332 Recognizing the week of April 21 through 27, 2024, as "National Crime Victims' Rights Week" in Pennsylvania to recognize the rights of crime victims and survivors, along with those professionals who provide important services to victims of crime

Pennsylvania 2023-2024 Regular Session

Recognizing the week of April 21 through 27, 2024, as "National Crime Victims' Rights Week" in Pennsylvania to recognize the rights of crime victims and survivors, along with those professionals who provide important services to victims of crime.

About HR-332

A Resolution recognizing the week of April 21 through 27, 2024, as "National Crime Victims' Rights Week" in Pennsylvania to recognize the rights of crime victims and survivors, along with those professionals who provide important services to victims of crime.


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