Relating to rules which insure that local independent school district selection of non-state adopted instructional materials to be purchased with state funds, is as accountable and transparent as the State Board of Education approval process for state-adopted instructional materials.

HB 3571 Relating to rules which insure that local independent school district selection of non state adopted instructional materials to be purchased with state funds, is as accountable and transparent as the State Board of Education approval process for state adopted instructional materials

Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to rules which insure that local independent school district selection of non-state adopted instructional materials to be purchased with state funds, is as accountable and transparent as the State Board of Education approval process for state-adopted instructional materials.

About HB-3571

Relating to rules which insure that local independent school district selection of non-state adopted instructional materials to be purchased with state funds, is as accountable and transparent as the State Board of Education approval process for state-adopted instructional materials.


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Introduced 03/13/2015

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