Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship Career Training Pilot Program for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals - Establishment

HB 1167 Labor and Employment Apprenticeship Career Training Pilot Program for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Establishment

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship Career Training Pilot Program for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals - Establishment

About HB-1167

Establishing the Apprenticeship Career Training Pilot Program for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals; establishing the purpose and method for administering the Program; requiring the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation to administer the Program; establishing certain standards under which certain employers may be eligible to receive certain grants; requiring the Department to adopt certain regulations; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/10/2019

Engrossed 03/14/2019

Chaptered 06/07/2019

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