Water; transportation; turf; land divisions

HB 2201 Water; transportation; turf; land divisions

Arizona Fifty-sixth Legislature - Second Regular Session (2024)

Bill Texts

Engrossed 05/10/2024

Engrossed 02/22/2024

Introduced 01/09/2024

Weigh In

Sponsors (2)


Exemption From Rulemaking Groundwater Code Groundwater Transportation Harquahala Non-expansion Area Waters - Title 45 Annual Report (s) Groundwater (s) Harquahala (s) Initial Active Management Area (s) Transportation (s) Adwr (see Also: Department Of Water Resources) (s) Annual Assessment (s) Annual Replenishment Tax (s) Assured Water Supply (s) Certificate Of Assured Water Supply (s) Contract Replenishment Tax (s) Credit (s) Definition (s) Definitions (s) Department Of Water Resources (adwr) (s) Designated Cities (s) Designation (s) District Replenishment Obligations (s) Drought Tolerant Plant Lists (s) Exception (s) Exemption (s) Exemptions (s) Extinguishment Credits (s) General Revenue Law (s) Groundwater Allowance (s) Harquahala Irrigation Non-expansion Area (s) Irrigation Grandfathered Rights (s) Low Water Use (s) Member Land (s) Municipal Turf (s) Permanent Relinquishment (s) Physical Availability (s) Physical Availability Exemption Credits (s) Pinal Active Management Area (s) Private Water Companies (s) Prohibition (s) Qualification As A Member Service Area (s) Replenishment Location (s) Reports (s) Requirements (s) Rules (s) Source Of Replenishment (s) Special Taxing Districts - Title 48 (s) Termination (s) Towns (s) Transportation Of Groundwater (s) Turf (s) Turf Installation (s) Waterlogged Area (s) Applicability (s) Building Permits (s) Civil Penalties (s) Counties - Title 11 (s) Deed Restrictions (s) Disclosure Affidavit (s) Distribution Of Copies (s) Emergency (s) Emergency Clause (s) Exceptions (s) Intention To Subdivide Lands (s) Issuance (s) Land Divisions (s) Limitation (s) Notice To Commissioner (s) Ownership Interests (s) Professions And Occupations - Title 32 (s) Recording (s) Repeal (s) Repealing (s) Review Of Land Divisions (s) State Preemption (s) Subsequent Owner (s) Turf And Plant Installation (s) Unlawful Acting In Concert (s) Utilities (s) Water (s) Water Management (s) Adwr (see Also: Department Of Water Resources) Counties - Title 11 Department Of Water Resources (adwr) Emergency Professions And Occupations - Title 32 Property - Title 33 Special Taxing Districts - Title 48 Transportation Turf Turf And Plant Installation Water Management Waterlogged Area Active Management Areas Land Division