Medicare Decisions Accountability Act of 2010

HB 4985 Medicare Decisions Accountability Act of 2010

US Congress 111th Congress

Medicare Decisions Accountability Act of 2010

About HB-4985

Medicare Decisions Accountability Act of 2010 - Repeals sections of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care (PPACA) (and restores provisions of law amended by such sections) related to the establishment of an Independent Payment Advisory Board to develop and submit detailed proposals to reduce the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending to the President for Congress to consider.


Bill Texts

Introduced 11/25/2010

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Referred To The Subcommittee On Health.


Referred To The Committee On Ways And Means, And In Addition To The Committees On Rules, And Energy And Commerce, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned.


Referred To House Ways And Means


Referred To House Rules


Referred To House Energy And Commerce
