Green jobs training program grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation.

AB 809 Green jobs training program grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation

Wisconsin 2023-2024 Regular Session

Green jobs training program grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation.

About AB-809

An Act to amend 20.445

  • (1) (bm), 106.27 (2g) (a) 1., 106.27 (2g) (a) 2

and 106.27

  • (3); and to create 20.445
  • (1) (bp) and 106.27 (1p) of the statutes; Relating to: green jobs training program grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/08/2023

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Failed To Pass Pursuant To Senate Joint Resolution 1


Representative Haywood Added As A Coauthor




Read First Time And Referred To Committee On Workforce Development And Economic Opportunities
