As introduced, authorizes Tennessee licensed wineries to conduct business at no more than two additional satellite locations after obtaining a satellite permit and paying a fee to the alcoholic beverage commission. - Amends TCA Title 57.

HB 736 As introduced, authorizes Tennessee licensed wineries to conduct business at no more than two additional satellite locations after obtaining a satellite permit and paying a fee to the alcoholic beverage commission Amends TCA Title 57

Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, authorizes Tennessee licensed wineries to conduct business at no more than two additional satellite locations after obtaining a satellite permit and paying a fee to the alcoholic beverage commission. - Amends TCA Title 57.

About HB-736

As introduced, authorizes Tennessee licensed wineries to conduct business at no more than two additional satellite locations after obtaining a satellite permit and paying a fee to the alcoholic beverage commission. - Amends TCA Title 57.


Bill Texts

Draft 12/27/2011

Draft 02/14/2011

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(VOICE VOTE) S&LG SUBCOMMITTEE: Recommended for passage - refer to: State & Local Government Committee


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Bill Sponsors


Action Def. In State & Local Government Committee To 2012


Placed On Cal. State & Local Government Committee For 4/26/2011


Rec. For Pass. By S/c Ref. To State & Local Government Committee


Placed On S/c Cal S&lg Subcommittee For 4/13/2011


Assigned To S/c General Sub Of S&lg


P2c, Ref. To State & Local Government Committee


Intro., P1c.


Filed For Intro.

