SB 81 Protecting from infringement the individual right of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to bear arms as provided in section 21 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania 2017-2018 Regular Session
Protecting from infringement the individual right of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to bear arms as provided in section 21 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
About SB-81
An Act protecting from infringement the individual right of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to bear arms as provided in section 21 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
SB-81: Protecting from infringement the individual right of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to bear arms as provided in section 21 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
You have voted SB-81: Protecting from infringement the individual right of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to bear arms as provided in section 21 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania..