Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget, operating assistance. [SB-617]
Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund; Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget; operating assistance. Provides that payments and obligations arising from or related to any contract pertaining to employee compensation and work conditions under the normal operation of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) may be included in the calculation of a WMATA budget increase for purposes of the cap of such budget increase. Current law provides that any payment or obligation of any kind arising from or related to legal disputes
SB-617: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget, operating assistance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Left In Transportation on 11/19/2024
Public transit systems, joint subcommittee to study funding needs. [SJR-28]
Study; joint subcommittee; funding needs in certain Study; joint subcommittee; funding needs in certain transit systems; report. Establishes a joint subcommittee to study long-term, sustainable, dedicated funding and cost-containment controls and strategies to ensure the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, the Virginia Railway Express, and the public transit systems that serve the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission transportation districts meet the growing needs of public
SJR-28: Public transit systems, joint subcommittee to study funding needs.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Bill Text As Passed Senate And House (sj28er) on 03/05/2024
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget, operating assistance. [SB-617]
Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund; Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget; operating assistance. Provides that payments and obligations arising from or related to any contract pertaining to employee compensation and work conditions under the normal operation of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) may be included in the calculation of a WMATA budget increase for purposes of the cap of such budget increase. Current law provides that any payment or obligation of any kind arising from or related to legal disputes
SB-617: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget, operating assistance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Continued To 2025 In Transportation (15-y 0-n) on 02/01/2024
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget, operating assistance. [HB-1201]
Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund; Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget; operating assistance. Provides that payments and obligations arising from or related to any contract pertaining to employee compensation and work conditions under the normal operation of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) may be included in the calculation of a WMATA budget increase for purposes of the cap of such budget increase. Current law provides that any payment or obligation of any kind arising from or related to legal disputes
HB-1201: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; budget, operating assistance.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Obenshain
Left In Appropriations on 02/13/2024
Flashing red and white warning lights; emergency vehicle exemptions. [HB-2423]
Flashing red and white warning lights; emergency vehicle exemptions; WMATA Response and Recovery Coordination Branch vehicles. Authorizes vehicles operated by the Response and Recovery Coordination Branch of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's Office of Emergency Preparedness to (i) be equipped with flashing, blinking, or alternating red or red and white combination warning lights and (ii) disregard certain regulations regarding the operation of vehicles without being subject to criminal prosecution while responding to an emergency,
HB-2423: Flashing red and white warning lights; emergency vehicle exemptions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Austin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0088) on 03/21/2023
Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund; 3.5 percent of Fund may be allocated to NVTC. [SB-1079]
Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund. Allocates 3.5 percent of the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund to commuter rail systems jointly operated by the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) and the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission and excludes such commuter rail systems from receiving allocations pursuant to other distributions of the Fund. The bill requires such commuter rail systems to submit reports to the Commonwealth Transportation Board. The bill limits allocations by the NVTC for distribution to the Washington Metropolitan
SB-1079: Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund; 3.5 percent of Fund may be allocated to NVTC.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Cosgrove
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0363) on 03/23/2023
Flashing red and white warning lights; emergency vehicle exemptions. [SB-981]
Flashing red and white warning lights; emergency vehicle exemptions; WMATA Response and Recovery Coordination Branch vehicles. Authorizes vehicles operated by the Response and Recovery Coordination Branch of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's Office of Emergency Preparedness to (i) be equipped with flashing, blinking, or alternating red or red and white combination warning lights and (ii) disregard certain regulations regarding the operation of vehicles without being subject to criminal prosecution while responding to an emergency,
SB-981: Flashing red and white warning lights; emergency vehicle exemptions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0089) on 03/21/2023
Northern Virginia regional transit plan; Department of Rail and Public Transportation to study. [HJR-76]
Study; Department of Rail and Public Transportation; Northern Virginia regional transit plan; report. Requests the Department of Rail and Public Transportation to study Northern Virginia regional transit and develop a regional transit plan that includes an extension of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority service to Prince William County and report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly by November 1, 2022.
HJR-76: Northern Virginia regional transit plan; Department of Rail and Public Transportation to study.
Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Torian
Left In Rules on 02/15/2022
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; alternate directors. [SB-339]
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; alternate directors. Repeals a provision of the 2018 mass transit funding legislation that requires the Commonwealth Transportation Board to withhold certain funding from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority if alternate directors of the Authority participate in or take action at a meeting at which the primary directors are present.
SB-339: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; alternate directors.
Sponsored by: Sen. George Barker
Failed To Report (defeated) In Transportation (1-y 12-n 2-a) on 02/03/2022
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority; repeals effective date for creation of Authority. [SB-1214]
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority; effective date. Repeals the contingent effective date for the creation of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. Such contingency has been met. The bill is a recommendation of the Code Commission. Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority; effective date. Repeals the contingent effective date for the creation of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. Such contingency has been met. The bill is a recommendation of the Code Commission.
SB-1214: Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority; repeals effective date for creation of Authority.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0377) on 03/25/2021
Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact; definitions, Board of Directors. [SB-1251]
Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact. Authorizes Virginia to become a signatory to the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact. The compact establishes a state safety oversight authority for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Rail System, pursuant to the mandate of federal law, to review, approve, oversee, and enforce the safety of the WMATA Rail System. The bill contains an emergency clause.
SB-1251: Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact; definitions, Board of Directors.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0705) on 03/24/2017
Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact; Va. authorized to become a signatory. [HB-2136]
Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact. Authorizes Virginia to become a signatory to the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact. The compact establishes a state safety oversight authority for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Rail System, pursuant to the mandate of federal law, to review, approve, oversee, and enforce the safety of the WMATA Rail System. The bill requires the Secretary of Transportation to negotiate, on the Commonwealth's behalf, the terms for revision of the WMATA Compact
HB-2136: Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact; Va. authorized to become a signatory.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0696) on 03/24/2017
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966; amendments, effective clause. [HB-1847]
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966. Proposes amendments to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966 (the Compact). The bill allows members of the Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (the Authority) to be provided reasonable compensation. The bill eliminates requirements for overtime compensation and requirements that set the minimum wage equal to the prevailing wage on similar construction in the locality
HB-1847: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966; amendments, effective clause.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Mark Dudenhefer
Left In Transportation on 02/07/2017
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966 gubernatorial review. [HJR-617]
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966 gubernatorial review. Requests the Governor to review the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966 and enter into discussions with his counterparts in the District of Columbia and Maryland to identify possible improvements to the agreement, particularly with regard to the governance, financing, and operation of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.
HJR-617: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of 1966 gubernatorial review.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj617er) on 02/15/2017