Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013 [SB-275]
Altering the Maryland renewable energy portfolio standard program to include a specified amount of energy derived from offshore wind energy; prohibiting the portion of the renewable energy portfolio that represents offshore wind energy from applying to retail electricity sales by a supplier in excess of specified amounts of specified loads; defining "offshore wind renewable energy credit" for specified purposes; establishing an application process for specified proposed offshore wind energy projects; etc.
SB-275: Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/13/2013
Public Utilities - Telephone Service - Charges for Directory Assistance [SB-142]
Providing that specified residential customers are entitled to only two directory assistance calls each month without charge; requiring the Public Service Commission to approve other charges for directory assistance, subject to an exception; and repealing a provision that authorizes the Commission to establish additional exemptions from directory assistance charges.
SB-142: Public Utilities - Telephone Service - Charges for Directory Assistance
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 185 on 05/02/2013
Utility Service Protection Program - Annual Report - Deadline [SB-14]
Altering from June 1 to September 1 the date by which the Public Service Commission must report each year to the General Assembly on terminations of gas or electric service occurring during the previous heating season.
SB-14: Utility Service Protection Program - Annual Report - Deadline
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 8 on 04/09/2013
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Solar Water Heating Systems [SB-1064]
Altering the definition of "solar water heating system" for purposes of the renewable energy portfolio standard to include systems that consist of specified concentrating solar thermal collectors under specified circumstances; and making a stylistic change.
SB-1064: Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Solar Water Heating Systems
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 341 on 05/02/2013
Evaluation of the Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program by the Public Service Commission [SB-1063]
Requiring the Department of Transportation, the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs, and the Public Service Commission, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to evaluate the feasibility and constitutionality of requiring the Commission to apply the provisions of a specified minority business enterprise program when exercising specified authority; and terminating the Act at the end of June 30, 2014.
SB-1063: Evaluation of the Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program by the Public Service Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden
Favorable Report By Finance on 04/08/2013
Public Safety - Gas Pipelines - Construction Requirements [HB-984]
Prohibiting a gas transmission company from beginning construction on a gas pipeline before the finalization of specified legal proceedings, including approval by the Board of Public Works, permit and license applications, condemnation proceedings, easement negotiations, and appeals to specified judgments and determinations.
HB-984: Public Safety - Gas Pipelines - Construction Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/05/2013
Electric Companies - Transmission Charges [HB-981]
Prohibiting an electric company from imposing an electric transmission charge on its customers if the electricity was generated at an electric generating facility located in the State that began operation on or after a specified date and was first sold to an electricity supplier located outside the State and then resold through the electric company for distribution in the State.
HB-981: Electric Companies - Transmission Charges
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/19/2013
Real Property - Easements - Natural Gas Pipelines [HB-979]
Requiring that an easement negotiated for the construction, operation, or maintenance of a natural gas pipeline be for a single pipeline and be limited in scope to the construction, operation, or maintenance of the pipeline; prohibiting a specified easement from authorizing the easement holder to use the easement, at a date in the future, for anything other than the construction, operation, or maintenance of the pipeline; and stating that an easement that does not meet the requirements of the Act is invalid.
HB-979: Real Property - Easements - Natural Gas Pipelines
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/05/2013
Public Service Commission - Membership [HB-975]
Altering the membership of the Public Service Commission; establishing a specified eligibility requirement for specified commissioners; providing that the Chairman shall serve at large; requiring the Governor to appoint four new commissioners; and providing that members of the Commission as of June 30, 2013, shall continue to serve the terms to which they were appointed.
HB-975: Public Service Commission - Membership
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/12/2013
Pipeline Safety and Community Protection Act [HB-953]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to act under a specified certification or agreement with the U.S. Secretary of Transportation as an interstate authority agent for the purpose of implementing specified federal pipeline safety laws; requiring a gas transmission company to respond to a report of specified gas leaks in a specified manner; prohibiting a person from beginning construction in the State on a gas pipeline without first obtaining a specified construction permit; etc.
HB-953: Pipeline Safety and Community Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/14/2013
Gas Companies - Rate Regulation - Infrastructure Replacement Surcharge [HB-89]
Allowing a gas company to recover costs associated with infrastructure replacement projects through a gas infrastructure replacement surcharge on customer bills; requiring project cost calculations to include specified elements; specifying how the pretax rate of return is calculated and adjusted and what it includes; stating that the intent of the General Assembly is to accelerate infrastructure improvements by establishing a mechanism for gas companies to recover reasonable and prudent costs of infrastructure replacement; etc.
HB-89: Gas Companies - Rate Regulation - Infrastructure Replacement Surcharge
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
First Reading Finance on 02/08/2013
Utility Service Protection Program - Annual Report - Deadline [HB-75]
Altering from June 1 to September 1 the date by which the Public Service Commission must report each year to the General Assembly on terminations of gas or electric service occurring during the previous heating season.
HB-75: Utility Service Protection Program - Annual Report - Deadline
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/16/2013
Public Service Commission - New and Changed Rates - Notice Period [HB-741]
Altering from 30 days to 22 business days the period during which a public service company is required to provide notice to the Public Service Commission before establishing a new rate or changing a current rate; altering from 30 days to 22 business days the period during which a public service company must publish a new rate or change in rate in specified schedules; etc.
HB-741: Public Service Commission - New and Changed Rates - Notice Period
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfred Carr
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/04/2013
Maryland Energy Administration - Regulated Sustainable Energy Contract Program [HB-621]
Authorizing the Maryland Energy Administration to create a Regulated Sustainable Energy Contract Program to authorize qualified contractors to provide residential renewable energy installations and residential energy efficiency measures to residential property owners under specified regulated sustainable energy contracts; stating the intent of the General Assembly; requiring the Administration to manage, supervise, and administer a specified Program; etc.
HB-621: Maryland Energy Administration - Regulated Sustainable Energy Contract Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Hucker
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 625 on 05/16/2013
Water and Sewer Service - Billing Period [HB-598]
Authorizing a political subdivision to bill for water service on an every other month basis; and authorizing the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to bill for water and sewer usage charges on an every other month basis.
HB-598: Water and Sewer Service - Billing Period
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfred Carr
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 623 on 05/16/2013
Environment - Dental Mercury - Water or Sewerage Service Bill Insert [HB-506]
Requiring specified water or sewerage service suppliers to include annually with the billing information sent to each customer a bill insert that provides specified information related to dental materials containing mercury; and requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations to implement the Act.
HB-506: Environment - Dental Mercury - Water or Sewerage Service Bill Insert
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters on 03/14/2013
Garrett County - County Commissioners - Industrial Wind Energy Conversion Systems [HB-504]
Requiring that specified industrial wind energy conversion systems comply with specified setback requirements; authorizing specified variances under specified circumstances; requiring that, before a permit is issued for specified industrial wind energy conversion systems, the Garrett County Department of Planning and Land Development retain at the applicant's expense a specified professional engineer to prepare a specified cost estimate and require the applicant to post a specified bond; etc.
HB-504: Garrett County - County Commissioners - Industrial Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Beitzel
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/14/2013