You have voted HB-16: Relating to the oversight and financing of certain water infrastructure matters under the jurisdiction of the Texas Water Development Board..
HB-3316: Relating to the redesignation of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee as the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee, the abolition of the Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory Committee, and the composition and functions of the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Harris
Filed on 02/25/2025
You have voted HB-3316: Relating to the redesignation of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee as the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee, the abolition of the Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory Committee, and the composition and functions of the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee..
SB-1288: Relating to the redesignation of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee as the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee, the abolition of the Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory Committee, and the composition and functions of the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry
Read First Time on 02/28/2025
You have voted SB-1288: Relating to the redesignation of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee as the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee, the abolition of the Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory Committee, and the composition and functions of the Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee..