Public Utility Companies - Wind Turbines - Performance Standards [HB-791]
Requiring the Public Service Commission and the Department of Natural Resources to develop jointly specified general performance standards for wind-powered electric generating turbines erected in the State; and requiring the Commission to adopt specified standards by regulation.
HB-791: Public Utility Companies - Wind Turbines - Performance Standards
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/24/2010
Electricity - Competitive Supply - Information [HB-744]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to disseminate specified information about competitive electricity supply in a specified manner; requiring the Commission to establish a workgroup to advise the Commission on specified matters; requiring the publication of specified information concerning competitive supply in a specified manner; requiring specified information to be updated at specified intervals; requiring specified electricity suppliers to provide specified information to the Commission at specified times; etc.
HB-744: Electricity - Competitive Supply - Information
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/27/2010
Roadway Lighting - Expressways and Controlled Access Highways - Lighting Curfew [HB-709]
Requiring the State Highway Administration and the Maryland Transportation Authority to cause all roadway lighting on expressways and controlled access highways to be turned off between midnight and dawn, unless a finding is made that the lighting is warranted based on specified determinations; etc.
Public Service Commission - Competitive Electricity and Gas Supplier Referral [HB-697]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a Competitive Electricity and Gas Supplier Referral Program on or before October 1, 2010; specifying the terms and conditions under which an electricity or gas supplier may participate in the Program; requiring electric companies and gas companies to include specified information in specified customer bills in a specified manner at specified times; etc.
HB-697: Public Service Commission - Competitive Electricity and Gas Supplier Referral
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/24/2010
Public Service Commission - Report on the State's Long-Term Energy Needs [HB-522]
Requiring, on or before December 1, 2010, the Public Service Commission to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly related to analyzing and meeting Maryland's long-term energy needs; requiring the Commission to update and resubmit the report every 2 years; requiring the Commission to solicit and consider input from specified parties in developing the report required under the Act; requiring the report to contain specified information and to make a specified recommendation; etc.
HB-522: Public Service Commission - Report on the State's Long-Term Energy Needs
Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Manno
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 04/12/2010
Off-Shore Wind Generation - Qualified Submerged Renewable Energy Lines [HB-468]
Exempting specified qualified submerged renewable energy lines from a specified prohibition in a Beach Erosion Control District under specified circumstances; requiring specified energy lines to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity under specified circumstances; requiring the Public Service Commission to conduct specified proceedings and consider specified factors in connection with a certificate for specified energy lines; and defining a term.
HB-468: Off-Shore Wind Generation - Qualified Submerged Renewable Energy Lines
Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Manno
Hearing 2/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/03/2010
Public Service Companies - Termination of Electric or Gas Service - Notice [HB-20]
Prohibiting a public service company from terminating electric or gas service to a residential customer because of nonpayment without providing written notice related to specified bill assistance programs; prohibiting a public service company from terminating electric or gas service to a residential customer at least 65 years of age because of nonpayment without providing written notice related to specified bill assistance programs; requiring the notices to meet specified requirements; etc.
HB-20: Public Service Companies - Termination of Electric or Gas Service - Notice
Sponsored by: Rep. Veronica Turner
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 02/09/2010
Electric Companies - Overhead Transmission Lines - Requirements [HB-1535]
Prohibiting an electric company from beginning construction on an overhead transmission line that is designed to carry a voltage in excess of 69,000 volts or exercising a right of condemnation in connection with the construction unless the electric company first meets specified conditions and has an ownership that meets specified criteria; etc.
HB-1535: Electric Companies - Overhead Transmission Lines - Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. C. Sue Hecht
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/12/2010
Electric Companies - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard for Solar Energy [HB-1534]
Providing that the renewable energy portfolio standard for solar energy applies to all retail electricity delivered in the State and that the responsibility for meeting the solar renewable energy portfolio standard shall be fulfilled only by electric companies; altering the eligibility criteria for inclusion in meeting the renewable energy portfolio standard for specified energy from a specified Tier 1 source; etc.
HB-1534: Electric Companies - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard for Solar Energy
Sponsored by: Rep. C. Sue Hecht
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 04/02/2010
For-Hire Driving Services - Temporary For-Hire Driver's Licenses and Operator's [HB-1378]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to issue to a specified applicant a temporary for-hire driver's license and, if applicable, a badge immediately on receipt of a completed application in which the applicant has included specified information regarding specified felony and misdemeanor convictions, paid a specified application fee, and a specified certified driver's record; etc.
Public Service Commission - Customer Education on Customer Choice [HB-1372]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to educate consumers about customer service choice in accordance with a provision of law; requiring the Commission to host a section on its website related to customer choice; requiring the website to comply with specified standards and to include specified information; etc.
HB-1372: Public Service Commission - Customer Education on Customer Choice
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing 4/6 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2010
Electric Companies and Gas Companies - Customer Account Information [HB-1340]
Requiring an electric or gas distribution utility, on written request of a specified competitive supplier, to provide specified information about customer accounts to the supplier, subject to a restriction; requiring the distribution utility to provide the information in a specified form and to update it periodically; authorizing a customer to refuse authorization to share specified information; requiring a distribution utility to notify a specified supplier when specified authorization is withdrawn; etc.
HB-1340: Electric Companies and Gas Companies - Customer Account Information
Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis
Hearing 4/6 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2010
Public Service Companies - Gas and Electric Service - Alternative Payment [HB-1255]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to adopt regulations to limit the authority of a public service company to terminate gas or electric service to a residential customer in arrears under specified circumstances; requiring regulations that would require a public service company to offer customers the option of entering into a specified alternative payment agreement; requiring the Commission to specify the circumstances under which specified restrictions and agreements may be required; etc.
HB-1255: Public Service Companies - Gas and Electric Service - Alternative Payment
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
First Reading Economic Matters on 02/18/2010
Electric Companies - Information on Customer Choice [HB-1231]
Requiring an electric company that provides standard offer service to a customer to include a specified list of competitive electric supply options available to the customer with the customer's monthly bill; authorizing electric companies to apply to the Public Service Commission for reimbursement from a specified fund of specified costs; requiring the Commission to impose a special assessment on specified electricity suppliers; requiring the Commission to set the amount of the special assessment at a specified level; etc.
HB-1231: Electric Companies - Information on Customer Choice
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/27/2010
Public Service Commission - Long-Term Power Purchasing Agreements - Renewable [HB-1224]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to direct specified electricity suppliers to enter into specified long-term power purchasing agreements according to a specified schedule; stating the findings of the General Assembly; authorizing the Commission to waive the requirement for an electricity supplier to enter into long-term power purchasing agreements under specified circumstances; requiring the Commission to consider specified factors when making a specified determination related to granting a waiver; etc.
HB-1224: Public Service Commission - Long-Term Power Purchasing Agreements - Renewable
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephen Lafferty
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/23/2010
Agricultural and Net Energy Metering Production Act of 2010 [HB-1169]
Authorizing the Public Service Commission to adopt specified regulations that allow meter aggregation and establish a specified fee or tariff to be paid by a specified eligible customer-generator to offset specified costs; etc.
HB-1169: Agricultural and Net Energy Metering Production Act of 2010
Sponsored by: Rep. C. William Frick
Hearing 4/6 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2010
Residential Multiple Occupancy Buildings - Master Meters - Heating, [HB-1138]
Authorizing the Public Service Commission to authorize the use of a specified master meter for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services in specified residential multiple occupancy buildings without requiring individual metering or submetering for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services under specified circumstances; authorizing the Commission to review specified information before authorizing the use of a master meter; etc.
Wind-Powered Electric Generating Facilities - Decommissioning and Restoration - [HB-1013]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a surcharge on wind-powered electric generating facilities in the State with a generating capacity that does not exceed 70 megawatts; requiring the Comptroller to collect the revenue from the surcharge and deposit it into the Maryland Wind-Powered Electric Generating Facility Decommissioning and Restoration Fund; authorizing a wind-powered electric generating facility to post a bond or other security acceptable to the Commission in lieu of the surcharge; etc.
HB-1013: Wind-Powered Electric Generating Facilities - Decommissioning and Restoration -
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Beitzel
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/24/2010
HB-679: Public Service Commission, powers expanded to authorize officers of enforcement division to enforce state law regarding Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and the Federal Hazardous Material Regulations, Sec. 37-1-66 am'd.
Sponsored by: Sen. Tammy Irons
Read For The First Time And Referred To The House Of Representatives Committee On Government Operations on 03/04/2010
You have voted HB-679: Public Service Commission, powers expanded to authorize officers of enforcement division to enforce state law regarding Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and the Federal Hazardous Material Regulations, Sec. 37-1-66 am'd..