Corporations and Associations - Methodist Church Trust Requirement - Repeal [HB-1182]
Repealing a requirement that the assets of any Methodist Church be held in trust for the United Methodist Church and be subject to the control of the Church; repealing a provision of law providing that the absence of a trust clause in any deed or conveyance executed before June 1, 1953, does not exclude certain local churches from certain provisions of law or responsibilities related to the United Methodist Church; etc.
HB-1182: Corporations and Associations - Methodist Church Trust Requirement - Repeal
Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Arentz
First Reading Economic Matters on 02/06/2025
Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Access, Guidance, and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act) [SB-828]
Prohibiting certain schools, libraries, and units of State government that operate at certain sensitive locations from allowing certain federal personnel to access certain areas, subject to certain exceptions; requiring the Attorney General to develop guidance regarding immigration enforcement at certain sensitive locations and guidance regarding individuals interacting with certain federal personnel; and requiring certain schools, libraries and units of State government to adopt policies consistent with the guidelines.
Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Venue Beer, Wine, and Liquor License [SB-802]
Establishing in Dorchester County a venue beer, wine, and liquor license that authorizes the holder to sell or serve beer, wine, and liquor for on-premises consumption during an event where food is served; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Dorchester County to issue the license to certain nonprofit or for-profit retail businesses that meet certain criteria; and authorizing the issuance of a license to an establishment that is within 300 feet of a place of worship or a school with certain written consent.
SB-802: Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Venue Beer, Wine, and Liquor License
Sponsored by: Sen.
Referred Economic Matters on 03/07/2025
Dorchester County – Alcoholic Beverages – Arts Beer and Wine License [SB-800]
Establishing in Dorchester County an arts beer and wine license that authorizes the holder to sell or serve beer and wine for on-premises consumption; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Dorchester County to issue the license to a nonprofit or for-profit retail business that engages in the display and sale of original artwork in an arts and entertainment district; authorizing the issuance the license within 300 feet of a place of worship or a school with certain written permission; and providing an annual fee of $250.
SB-800: Dorchester County – Alcoholic Beverages – Arts Beer and Wine License
Sponsored by: Sen.
Referred Economic Matters on 03/07/2025
You have voted HB-987: Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B-OB-CRD (Office Building - Commercial Revitalization District) Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.
Baltimore City - 46th Alcoholic Beverages District - Licenses [HB-784]
Requiring a memorandum of understanding between a certain licensee and a community association within a certain bounded area in the 46th alcoholic beverages district before the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City may issue a license in or transfer a license to the bounded area; extending to July 1, 2028, the expiration date for a certain Class B license for the purpose of transfer to the 3600 block of Boston Street in the 46th alcoholic beverages district; etc.
HB-784: Baltimore City - 46th Alcoholic Beverages District - Licenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger
Third Reading Passed (139-0) on 03/17/2025
Baltimore City - 46th Alcoholic Beverages District - Licenses [SB-662]
Requiring a memorandum of understanding between a certain licensee and a community association within a certain bounded area in the 46th alcoholic beverages district before the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City may issue a license in or transfer a license to the bounded area; extending to July 1, 2028, the expiration date for a certain Class B license for the purpose of transfer to the 3600 block of Boston Street in the 46th alcoholic beverages district; etc.
SB-662: Baltimore City - 46th Alcoholic Beverages District - Licenses
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Referred Economic Matters on 03/07/2025
Corporations and Associations - Methodist Church Trust Requirement Repeal and Disaffiliation Requirements [SB-586]
Repealing a requirement that the assets of any Methodist Church be held in trust for the United Methodist Church and be subject to the control of the Church; repealing a provision of law providing that the absence of a trust clause in any deed or conveyance executed before June 1, 1953, does not exclude certain local churches from certain provisions of law; providing that a local church that disaffiliates from the United Methodist Conference shall retain ownership of its real property, subject to certain reimbursement requirements; etc.
SB-586: Corporations and Associations - Methodist Church Trust Requirement Repeal and Disaffiliation Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Criminal Procedure - U Nonimmigrant Status Petitions and Immigration Enforcement at Sensitive Locations [HB-579]
Requiring federal law enforcement officers to notify certain individuals of federal immigration action at certain sensitive locations; altering the requirements for certification of a U Nonimmigrant Status Petition; altering the individuals eligible to request a certain official to certify victim helpfulness relating to certification of a U Nonimmigrant Status Petition; authorizing the disclosure of certain information under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-579: Criminal Procedure - U Nonimmigrant Status Petitions and Immigration Enforcement at Sensitive Locations
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Third Reading Passed (98-40) on 03/17/2025
Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Venue Beer, Wine, and Liquor License [HB-564]
Establishing in Dorchester County a venue beer, wine, and liquor license that authorizes the holder to sell or serve beer, wine, and liquor for on-premises consumption during an event where food is served; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Dorchester County to issue the license to certain nonprofit or for-profit retail businesses that meet certain criteria; and authorizing the issuance of a license to an establishment that is within 300 feet of a place of worship or a school with certain written consent.
HB-564: Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Venue Beer, Wine, and Liquor License
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Referred Finance on 03/18/2025
Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Arts Beer and Wine License [HB-567]
Establishing in Dorchester County an arts beer and wine license that authorizes the holder to sell or serve beer and wine for on-premises consumption; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Dorchester County to issue the license to a nonprofit or for-profit retail business that engages in the display and sale of original artwork in an arts and entertainment district; authorizing the issuance the license within 300 feet of a place of worship or a school with certain written permission; and providing an annual fee of $250.
HB-567: Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Arts Beer and Wine License
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Favorable With Amendments Report By Economic Matters on 03/17/2025