HB-5149: Relating to restricting the use of DNA samples collected from children in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services for certain purposes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Denise Villalobos
Filed on 03/14/2025
You have voted HB-5149: Relating to restricting the use of DNA samples collected from children in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services for certain purposes..
Family Law - Grandparent Visitation [SB-1004]
Altering the circumstances under which an equity court is authorized to grant visitation rights to a grandparent of a child to include that the petition for visitation rights was filed after an action for divorce, annulment, custody, or paternity was filed by a parent of the child; and requiring an equity court to grant certain visitation rights if the child resided with the grandparent for at least 12 months, or the child's parent, who is the child of the grandparent, is deceased and the court finds it in the best interest of the child.
SB-1004: Family Law - Grandparent Visitation
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/10/2025
Family Law - Grandparent Visitation [HB-721]
Altering the circumstances under which an equity court is authorized to grant visitation rights to a grandparent of a child to include that the petition for visitation rights was filed after an action for divorce, annulment, custody, or paternity was filed by a parent of the child; and requiring an equity court to grant certain visitation rights if the child resided with the grandparent for at least 12 months, or the child's parent, who is the child of the grandparent, is deceased, and the court finds it in the best interest of the child.
HB-721: Family Law - Grandparent Visitation
Sponsored by: Rep. Caylin Young
Hearing Canceled on 02/17/2025
SB-942: Relating to a court order for retroactive child support, including for retroactive child support beginning on the date of the child's conception.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes
Reported Favorably W/o Amendments on 03/24/2025
You have voted SB-942: Relating to a court order for retroactive child support, including for retroactive child support beginning on the date of the child's conception..
HB-1980: Relating to a court order for retroactive child support, including for retroactive child support beginning on the date of the child's conception.
Sponsored by: Rep. Hillary Hickland
Read First Time on 03/14/2025
You have voted HB-1980: Relating to a court order for retroactive child support, including for retroactive child support beginning on the date of the child's conception..
HB-1671: Relating to the establishment of parentage and the duty to pay retroactive child support, including the duty to pay retroactive child support beginning on the date of the child's conception.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Leach
Read First Time on 03/12/2025
You have voted HB-1671: Relating to the establishment of parentage and the duty to pay retroactive child support, including the duty to pay retroactive child support beginning on the date of the child's conception..
Child Support For Unborn Children [HB-321]
An Act establishing child support for unborn children; relating to the duties of the child support services agency; and amending Rule 90.3, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure.
HB-321: Child Support For Unborn Children
Sponsored by: Rep. David Eastman
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/14/2024
Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program [HB-1323]
Altering, clarifying, and expanding certain provisions of law relating to the immunity from liability of a parent who leaves an unharmed newborn with a responsible adult within 60 days of the birth under certain circumstances; requiring the Secretary of Human Services to develop, implement, and maintain a public information program to inform the public about the Maryland Safe Haven Program; and requiring the Secretary of Human Services to submit a report to the General Assembly about the Maryland Safe Haven Program.
HB-1323: Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wivell
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2024
Family Law - Paternity - Surname (Maryland Paternal Naming Rights Act) [HB-1298]
Authorizing the father of a child to file a petition to add the father's surname to the child's name under certain circumstances and establishing related court procedures; and requiring the Maryland Judiciary to develop and update, as appropriate, a training program for judges presiding over petitions filed under the Act.
HB-1298: Family Law - Paternity - Surname (Maryland Paternal Naming Rights Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Caylin Young
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/12/2024
Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program [SB-912]
Altering, clarifying, and expanding certain provisions of law relating to the immunity from liability of a parent who leaves an unharmed newborn with a responsible adult under certain circumstances; requiring the Secretary of Human Services to develop, implement, and maintain a public information program to inform the public about the Maryland Safe Haven Program; and requiring the Secretary of Human Services to annually submit a report to the General Assembly about the Maryland Safe Haven Program beginning December 31, 2025.
SB-912: Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/11/2024
Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program [SB-873]
Altering, clarifying, and expanding certain provisions of law relating to the immunity from liability of a parent who leaves an unharmed newborn with a responsible adult within 60 days of the birth under certain circumstances; requiring the Secretary of Human Services to develop, implement, and maintain a public information program to inform the public about the Maryland Safe Haven Program; and requiring the Secretary of Human Services to submit a report to the General Assembly about the Maryland Safe Haven Program.
SB-873: Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 366 on 04/25/2024
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 24 and Title 36, relative to parentage. [HB-2431]
As introduced, specifies that if a man has executed a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, then the man and the mother of the child born out of wedlock are legal parents of the child; specifies that the mother of a child born out of wedlock is the child's legal parent and has primary residential care and custody of the child absent an order of custody to the contrary. - Amends TCA Title 24 and Title 36.
HB-2431: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 24 and Title 36, relative to parentage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Farmer
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee Of Civil Justice Committee on 03/26/2024
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 24 and Title 36, relative to parentage. [SB-2056]
As introduced, specifies that if a man has executed a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, then the man and the mother of the child born out of wedlock are legal parents of the child; specifies that the mother of a child born out of wedlock is the child's legal parent and has primary residential care and custody of the child absent an order of custody to the contrary. - Amends TCA Title 24 and Title 36.
SB-2056: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 24 and Title 36, relative to parentage.
Sponsored by: Sen. Raumesh Akbari
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Judiciary Committee on 03/27/2024
Public Health - Childbirth - Paternity Test [SB-201]
Requiring, when a child is born at a health care facility, the attending physician to offer to the presumed father of the child the option to take a paternity test; requiring that the offer to take a paternity test be made orally and in writing and before a birth certificate form for the child is completed; allowing the presumed father the option to waive the right to take a paternity test or elect to take a paternity test at any time before completion of the child's birth certificate; etc.
SB-201: Public Health - Childbirth - Paternity Test
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Watson
Hearing 2/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/11/2024
HB-4715: Relating to the establishment of paternity and the duty to pay child support and to victim restitution or compensation for certain sexual offenses resulting in pregnancy.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Vasut
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-4715: Relating to the establishment of paternity and the duty to pay child support and to victim restitution or compensation for certain sexual offenses resulting in pregnancy..