State Board of Physicians - Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Allied Health Practitioners - Licensure Requirements [SB-449]
Requiring specified criminal history records checks for physicians, physician assistants, respiratory care practitioners, radiation oncology/therapy, medical radiation, and nuclear medicine technologists, polysomnographic technologists, athletic trainers, perfusionists, and naturopathic practitioners; requiring, beginning October 1, 2016, specified criminal history records checks for specified annual renewal applicants and former licensees who file for reinstatement under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-449: State Board of Physicians - Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Allied Health Practitioners - Licensure Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 34 on 04/14/2015
State Board of Physicians - Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Allied Health Practitioners - Licensure Requirements [HB-574]
Requiring specified criminal history records checks for physicians, physician assistants, respiratory care practitioners, radiation oncology/therapy, medical radiation, and nuclear medicine technologists, polysomnographic technologists, athletic trainers, perfusionists, and naturopathic practitioners; requiring, beginning October 1, 2016, specified criminal history records check for specified annual renewal applicants and former licensees who file for reinstatement under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-574: State Board of Physicians - Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Allied Health Practitioners - Licensure Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/12/2015
Medical Liability Efficiency Act of 2015 [HB-547]
Repealing provisions relating to the Health Care Alternative Dispute Resolution Office; prohibiting a person from bringing an action against a health care provider for a medical injury unless the person provides to the health care provider a specified notice, medical records, and releases at least 90 days in advance of the action; terminating the Health Claims Arbitration Fund; altering the content of specified certificates of a qualified expert; etc.
HB-547: Medical Liability Efficiency Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. (judiciary) on 03/11/2015
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Board of Review - Jurisdiction [HB-1456]
Limiting the jurisdiction of the Board of Review of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to hear and determine appeals from decisions of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene and units in the Department; authorizing the Board to hear and determine any appeal from a decision of the Secretary in a contested case concerning an individual's eligibility for or participation in specified programs; providing for the application of the Act to decisions of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene issued on or after June 1, 2014; etc.
HB-1456: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Board of Review - Jurisdiction
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 457 on 05/05/2014
Prince George's County - County Income Tax - Credit for Primary and Specialty Health Care Providers [HB-1072]
Authorizing the governing body of Prince George's County to allow, by law, certain primary or specialty health care providers to claim a tax credit up to a certain amount against the county income tax under certain circumstances; providing that the tax credit is allowed against the county income tax only; authorizing the governing body of Prince George's County to provide for certain matters relating to the tax credit; requiring the county to notify the Comptroller by July 1 of the preceding taxable year if the tax credit is authorized; etc.
HB-1072: Prince George's County - County Income Tax - Credit for Primary and Specialty Health Care Providers
Sponsored by: Rep.
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020