
US Congress 117th Congress

Expressing support for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, its member states, and the United States-ASEAN Special Summit in Washington, DC, and reaffirming the commitment of the United States to continue to remain a strong, reliable, and active partner to ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific. [HR-1106]
Expressing support for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, its member states, and the United States-ASEAN Special Summit in Washington, DC, and reaffirming the commitment of the United States to continue to remain a strong, reliable, and active partner to ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Meeks Introduced In House on 05/11/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Indo-Pacific Strategic Energy Initiative Act [S.2845]
A bill to provide support for energy infrastructure projects in the Indo-Pacific region, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Sullivan Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 09/23/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

EAGLE Act Ensuring American Global Leadership and Engagement Act Boosting Long-term U.S. Engagement in the Pacific Act Taiwan Peace and Stability Act Taiwan International Solidarity Act Uyghur Human Rights Protection Act Taiwan Fellowship Act [HB-3524]
To revitalize and reassert United States leadership, investment, and engagement in the Indo-Pacific region and globally.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Meeks Reported (amended) By The Committee On Foreign Affairs. H. Rept. 117-667, Part I. on 12/30/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Southeast Asia Strategy Act [HB-1083]
To require a strategy for engagement with Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).


Sponsored by: Rep. David Cicilline Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 04/20/2021

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US Congress 114th Congress

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 [S.1376]
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Sec. 3) Defines "congressional defense committees" as the House and Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees. (Sec. 4) Specifies procedures for determining the budgetary effects of this bill for compliance with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Act of 2010. DIVISION A--DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE I--PROCUREMENT Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations (Sec. 101) Authorizes appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) for Procurement at the levels identified (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. John McCain Committee On Armed Services. Original Measure Reported To Senate By Senator Mccain. With Written Report No. 114-49. Additional Views Filed. on 05/19/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Recognizing the importance of trade to the United States economy and the importance of completing free trade agreements with Pacific Rim countries and the European Union. [HR-73]
Recognizing the importance of trade to the United States economy and the importance of completing free trade agreements with Pacific Rim countries and the European Union. Expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that completing free trade agreements with Pacific Rim countries and the European Union will promote economic development, create jobs, and solidify relations with trading partners.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen Referred To The Subcommittee On Trade. on 02/12/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the upgrading of Malaysia on the 2015 Trafficking In Persons report. [HCR-65]
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the upgrading of Malaysia on the 2015 Trafficking In Persons report. Expresses the sense of Congress that the 2015 Trafficking in Persons report should have placed Malaysia in Tier 3.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Introduced In House on 07/28/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative Act of 2016 [HB-5890]
Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative Act of 2016 This bill expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States should support the efforts of the Southeast Asian nations to strengthen their maritime security capacity, and (2) the maritime security of U.S. allies and partners bordering the South China Sea would be enhanced by the transfer of an Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate to an appropriate regional country. In selecting Asia-Pacific region countries to receive maritime capacity building assistance, the Department of State may prioritize (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Ami Bera Introduced In House on 07/14/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 [HB-1735]
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Sec. 3) Defines "congressional defense committees" as the House and Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees. (Sec. 4) Specifies procedures for determining the budgetary effects of this bill for compliance with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Act of 2010. DIVISION A--DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE I--PROCUREMENT Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations (Sec. 101) Authorizes appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) for Procurement at the levels identified (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Adam Smith Vetoed By President. on 10/22/2015

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US Congress 113th Congress

A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims. [SR-520]
Condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew. Expresses condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand. Supports the international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site. Calls on the Russian Federation to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Durbin Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr 8/1/2014 S5314-5315) on 07/31/2014

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US Congress 113th Congress

Condemning the Ukrainian separatists illegally occupying the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, and the surrounding territory, as terrorists for shooting down a civilian passenger airliner, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, and condemning the Government of the Russian Federation for supplying the arms. [HR-679]
Condemns: (1) the Ukrainian separatists illegally occupying the Ukrainian city of Donetsk and the surrounding territory as terrorists for shooting down a civilian passenger airliner, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17; and (2) the government of the Russian Federation for supplying the arms that shot down the plane. Calls on: (1) the Ukrainian separatists of Donetsk to disband and relinquish control of Donetsk and the surrounding area to the government of Ukraine, and (2) the government of the Russian Federation to end attempts to undermine the government (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Quigley Referred To The Subcommittee On Europe, Eurasia, And Emerging Threats. on 09/08/2014

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US Congress 113th Congress

Asia-Pacific Region Priority Act [HB-4495]
Asia-Pacific Region Priority Act - Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to: (1) report to the congressional defense committees on the U.S. Pacific Command's munitions strategy for the next ten years, (2) appoint a Director of Defense Unmanned Systems, and (3) enter into an agreement with an independent entity to assess anti-access and area-denial capabilities that pose a threat to the United States and its allies in the Asia-Pacific region and strategies to mitigate such threats. Requires the Director of DOD's Office of Net Assessment to assess (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Colleen Hanabusa Referred To The Subcommittee On Asia And The Pacific. on 06/10/2014

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US Congress 116th Congress

Global Small Business Network Act [HB-8628]
Authorizes the Department of State to establish a Global Small Business Network grant program to facilitate exports by U.S. small businesses. Specifically, the State Department may award grants to institutions of higher education and nonprofits with experience in operating or working with U.S. small business development centers to (1) assist national and local governments of foreign countries with creating small business development centers, and (2) promote commerce between small businesses in the United States and the foreign economies participating (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Ann Wagner Introduced In House on 10/20/2020

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US Congress 112th Congress

A resolution encouraging the United States Trade Representative to establish and articulate a strategy for initiating negotiations for a free trade agreement between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. [SR-218]
Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the United States Trade Representative (USTR) should establish and articulate a strategy for initiating negotiations for a free trade agreement between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN); and (2) any pending bilateral issues between the United States and Burma should not deter the United States from negotiating free trade agreements with other ASEAN nations, nor should the United States encourage trade with Burma, absent significant reforms within that country.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Inhofe Referred To The Committee On Finance. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S4235-4236) on 06/29/2011

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US Congress 112th Congress

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives relating to increased transparency in the negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, and for other purposes. [HR-767]
Expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that: (1) Members of Congress should be allowed to observe Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement negotiations on behalf of the American people; (2) Members of Congress, the public, and the press should be allowed access to the draft text of the agreement and to the text of U.S. negotiating proposals; (3) any final TPP agreement should not undermine U.S. sovereignty by submitting the United States, its people, or its businesses to the jurisdiction of foreign tribunals; (4) any final TPP agreement (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Walter Jones Referred To The House Committee On Ways And Means. on 08/02/2012

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US Congress 112th Congress

Secure Visas Act [HB-1741]
Secure Visas Act - Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to grant the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) (Secretary), except for the Secretary of State's authority with respect to diplomatic- and international organization-related visas, exclusive authority to issue regulations, establish policy, and administer the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and all other immigration or nationality laws relating to U.S. consular officer visa functions. Authorizes the Secretary to refuse or revoke any visa to an alien or class of aliens if necessary (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Poe Reported (amended) By The Committee On Judiciary. H. Rept. 112-411, Part I. on 03/08/2012

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US Congress 111th Congress

A bill to authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State to refuse or revoke visas to aliens if in the security or foreign policy interests of the United States, to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to review visa applications before adjudication, and to provide for the immediate dissemination of visa revocation information. [S.3077]
Secure Visas Act - Amends the Homeland Security Act to grant the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) (Secretary), except for the Secretary of State's authority with respect to diplomatic- and international organization-related visas, exclusive authority to issue regulations, establish policy, and administer and enforce the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and all other immigration or nationality laws relating to U.S. consular officer visa functions. Authorizes the Secretary to refuse or revoke any visa to an alien or class (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. John Cornyn Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 03/04/2010

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US Congress 111th Congress

Secure Visas Act [HB-4758]
Secure Visas Act - Amends the Homeland Security Act to grant the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) (Secretary), except for the Secretary of State's authority with respect to diplomatic- and international organization-related visas, exclusive authority to issue regulations, establish policy, and administer and enforce the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and all other immigration or nationality laws relating to U.S. consular officer visa functions. Authorizes the Secretary to refuse or revoke any visa to an alien or class (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Gus Bilirakis Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, And International Law. on 04/26/2010

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US Congress 116th Congress

A resolution recognizing that for 50 years, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its ten members, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, have worked with the United States toward stability, prosperity, and peace in Southeast Asia, and expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States will continue to remain a strong, reliable, and active partner in the ASEAN region. [SR-406]
This resolution reaffirms support for elevated collaboration between the United States and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), particularly in terms of economic cooperation and human rights; urges ASEAN to foster multilateral relations with non-ASEAN partners; expresses support for ASEAN nations in addressing maritime and territorial disputes, as well as corruption in the public and private sectors; calls on ASEAN nations to ensure human rights, a protected marine environment, and safe access to international waterways in the Asia-Pacific; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Markey Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. on 01/01/2021

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US Congress 116th Congress

Southeast Asia Strategy Act [HB-1632]
Directs the Department of State to submit to Congress a strategy for engagement with Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The strategy shall include various elements including (1) an identification of enduring U.S. interests in the region and efforts to bolster ASEAN's effectiveness; (2) a list of ongoing and planned initiatives to strengthen U.S. relationships in the region, including efforts to promote inclusive economic growth and to combat climate change; and (3) a summary of ongoing efforts to promote human (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Yoho Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 09/25/2019

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