Line of Duty Act; clarifies definition of eligible dependent. [HB-1433]
Line of Duty Act; eligible dependent. Provides that for purposes of continued health insurance pursuant to the Line of Duty Act, an eligible dependent means the natural or adopted child or children of a deceased person or disabled person or of a deceased or disabled person's eligible spouse, provided that any such natural child is born as the result of a pregnancy that occurred prior to, or no later than six months after, the time of the employee's death or disability and that any such adopted child is (i) adopted prior to, or no later than six
HB-1433: Line of Duty Act; clarifies definition of eligible dependent.
Sponsored by: Rep. M. Keith Hodges
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0560) on 04/05/2024
Line of Duty Act; increases payment of benefits. [SB-649]
Line of Duty Act; payment of benefits. Increases from $25,000 to $75,000 the death benefit payout under the Virginia Line of Duty Act for a death caused by occupational cancer, respiratory disease, or hypertension or heart disease for those deaths that will occur on or after January 1, 2025.
SB-649: Line of Duty Act; increases payment of benefits.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0381) on 04/04/2024
Line of Duty Act; benefits for campus and private police officers. [SB-466]
Line of Duty Act; campus police officers; private police officers. Provides employees of contributing nonprofit private institutions of higher education, defined in the bill, and contributing private police departments, defined in the bill, with the benefits granted to employees of participating employers under the Line of Duty Act. The bill clarifies that the Line of Duty Act shall not apply to any private institution of higher education or private police department that is not a contributing nonprofit private institution of higher education or
SB-466: Line of Duty Act; benefits for campus and private police officers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Left In Appropriations on 03/05/2024
Line of Duty Act; benefits for campus and private police officers. [HB-751]
Line of Duty Act; campus police officers; private police officers. Provides employees of contributing nonprofit private institutions of higher education, defined in the bill, and contributing private police departments, defined in the bill and including airport police officers employed by the Lynchburg Regional Airport Police Department, with the benefits granted to employees of participating employers under the Line of Duty Act. The bill clarifies that the Line of Duty Act shall not apply to any private institution of higher education or private
HB-751: Line of Duty Act; benefits for campus and private police officers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Runion
Left In Public Safety on 02/13/2024
Line of Duty Act; increases payment of benefits. [HB-321]
Line of Duty Act; payment of benefits. Increases from $25,000 to $75,000 the death benefit payout under the Virginia Line of Duty Act for a death caused by occupational cancer, respiratory disease, or hypertension or heart disease for those deaths that will occur on or after January 1, 2025.
HB-321: Line of Duty Act; increases payment of benefits.
Sponsored by: Rep. Delores McQuinn
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0380) on 04/04/2024
Line of Duty Act; benefits for campus and private police officers. [HB-232]
Line of Duty Act; campus police officers; private police officers. Provides employees of contributing nonprofit private institutions of higher education, defined in the bill, and contributing private police departments, defined in the bill, with the benefits granted to employees of participating employers under the Line of Duty Act. The bill clarifies that the Line of Duty Act shall not apply to any private institution of higher education or private police department that is not a contributing nonprofit private institution of higher education or
HB-232: Line of Duty Act; benefits for campus and private police officers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Left In Public Safety on 02/13/2024
Line of Duty Act; campus police officers, contributing private institutions of higher education. [SB-1228]
Line of Duty Act; campus police officers; contributing private institutions of higher education. Provides employees of contributing nonprofit private institutions of higher education with the benefits granted to employees of participating employers under the Line of Duty Act. The bill defines "contributing nonprofit private institutions of higher education" as nonprofit private institutions of higher education that have established a campus police department and made an irrevocable election to provide the benefits under the Line of Duty Act and
SB-1228: Line of Duty Act; campus police officers, contributing private institutions of higher education.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Tabled In Appropriations (14-y 7-n) on 02/13/2023
Line of Duty Act; Virginia licensed health practitioners required to conduct medical reviews. [SB-468]
Virginia Retirement System; Line of Duty Act; medical reviews to be conducted by Virginia practitioners. Provides that, for any medical review of a claim made pursuant to the provisions of the Line of Duty Act, the Virginia Retirement System shall require that such review be conducted by a doctor, nurse, or psychologist who is licensed in Virginia or a contiguous state. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2023.
SB-468: Line of Duty Act; Virginia licensed health practitioners required to conduct medical reviews.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0484) on 04/11/2022
Line of Duty Act; Virginia licensed health practitioners required to conduct medical reviews. [SB-1367]
Line of Duty Act; requiring licensed health practitioners to conduct medical reviews. Requires that, for any medical review of a claim made pursuant to the provisions of the Line of Duty Act, the Virginia Retirement System shall require that such review be conducted by a doctor, nurse, or psychologist who is licensed in the Commonwealth or a contiguous state. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2022.
SB-1367: Line of Duty Act; Virginia licensed health practitioners required to conduct medical reviews.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill DeSteph
Left In Appropriations on 03/01/2021
Line of Duty Act; clarifies provisions of Act. [HB-2243]
Line of Duty Act. Clarifies provisions of the Line of Duty Act, including clarifying that suspension or reinstatement of health insurance benefits begins and ends at the beginning of a health insurance plan year rather than in the middle of a plan year and recognizing current practice that the Line of Duty Act administrator provides materials for training. The bill codifies certain provisions of the Line of Duty Act that currently are in the appropriation act. The bill modifies the provision that would have disqualified, effective July 1, 2017,
HB-2243: Line of Duty Act; clarifies provisions of Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0439) on 03/13/2017
Line of Duty Act; Act includes firefighter trainees. [SB-1118]
Line of Duty Act; firefighter trainees. Includes under the Line of Duty Act a person with a recognized membership status with a fire company or department who is enrolled in a Fire Service Training course offered by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs or required to become a certified firefighter.
SB-1118: Line of Duty Act; Act includes firefighter trainees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0627) on 03/20/2017
Line of Duty Act; death benefit eligibility; Department of Military Affairs employees. [SB-939]
Line of Duty Act; death benefit eligibility; Department of Military Affairs employees. Confers eligibility for death benefits under the Line of Duty Act to all employees of the Department of Military Affairs not currently eligible for such benefits whose death is the direct or proximate result of the performance of official duties of the agency when those duties are related to a major disaster or emergency.
SB-939: Line of Duty Act; death benefit eligibility; Department of Military Affairs employees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
Passed By Indefinitely In Finance With Letter (16-y 0-n) on 02/01/2017
Line of Duty Act; payments to beneficiaries. [HB-1416]
Line of Duty Act; payments to beneficiaries. Increases from $100,000 to $125,000 the sum payable out of the general fund to the beneficiary of a deceased law-enforcement officer or other person covered by the Line of Duty Act whose death occurred on or after January 1, 2006, while in the line of duty as the direct or proximate result of the performance of his duty.
HB-1416: Line of Duty Act; payments to beneficiaries.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Left In Appropriations on 02/08/2017
Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. [SB-619]
Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. Expands the definition of a deceased person under the Line of Duty Act to include probation and parole officers whose death occurs as a direct or proximate result of the performance of their duty.
SB-619: Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
Left In Finance on 12/02/2016
Line of Duty Act; certain employees of DOC included in definition of deceased person under Act. [SB-297]
Line of Duty Act; certain employees of the Department of Corrections. Expands the definition of a deceased person under the Line of Duty Act to include employees of the Department of Corrections with internal investigations authority whose death occurs as a direct or proximate result of the performance of their duty.
SB-297: Line of Duty Act; certain employees of DOC included in definition of deceased person under Act.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
Left In Finance on 12/02/2016
Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. [HB-1193]
Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. Expands the definition of a deceased person under the Line of Duty Act to include probation and parole officers whose death occurs as a direct or proximate result of the performance of their duty.
HB-1193: Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Left In Appropriations on 12/01/2016