SB-3: Relating to an appropriation to provide funding for the construction, operation, and maintenance of border barrier infrastructure and border security operations, including funding for additional overtime expenses and costs due to certain increased law enforcement presence.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Effective On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 5, 2024 on 12/18/2023
You have voted SB-3: Relating to an appropriation to provide funding for the construction, operation, and maintenance of border barrier infrastructure and border security operations, including funding for additional overtime expenses and costs due to certain increased law enforcement presence..
HB-3: Relating to an appropriation to provide funding for the construction, operation, and maintenance of border barrier infrastructure and border security operations, including funding for additional overtime expenses and costs due to certain increased law enforcement presence.
Sponsored by: Rep. Angie Button
Scheduled For Formal Meeting On . . . on 11/10/2023
You have voted HB-3: Relating to an appropriation to provide funding for the construction, operation, and maintenance of border barrier infrastructure and border security operations, including funding for additional overtime expenses and costs due to certain increased law enforcement presence..
You have voted HB-39: Relating to making an appropriation for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a Department of Public Safety office in Liberty County..
HB-197: Relating to making an appropriation for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a Department of Public Safety office in Liberty County.
You have voted HB-197: Relating to making an appropriation for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a Department of Public Safety office in Liberty County..
HCR-1: Calling for the thorough investigation of the Colony Ridge development in Liberty County and expressing support for legislation that prohibits illegal immigrants from purchasing land in communities across Texas.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen
Referred To State Affairs on 10/11/2023
You have voted HCR-1: Calling for the thorough investigation of the Colony Ridge development in Liberty County and expressing support for legislation that prohibits illegal immigrants from purchasing land in communities across Texas..
SB-891: Relating to the operation and administration of and practice in and grants provided by courts in the judicial branch of state government; increasing and imposing fees; creating a criminal offense.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry
See Remarks For Effective Date on 06/10/2019
You have voted SB-891: Relating to the operation and administration of and practice in and grants provided by courts in the judicial branch of state government; increasing and imposing fees; creating a criminal offense..
HB-2120: Relating to the operation and administration of and practice in courts in the judicial branch of state government; imposing a fee; creating a criminal offense.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Wray
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/03/2019
You have voted HB-2120: Relating to the operation and administration of and practice in courts in the judicial branch of state government; imposing a fee; creating a criminal offense..