Institutions Of Higher Education; Other Educational And Cultural Institutions

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Intercollegiate athletics; student-athletes, compensation and representation for name, image, etc. [SB-678]
Intercollegiate athletics, student-athletes; compensation and representation for name, image, or likeness.


Sponsored by: Sen. Todd Pillion Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program; established, report. [SB-318]
Public institutions of higher education; Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program established; report. Establishes the Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program to address student food insecurity at public institutions of higher education. The bill provides that the Program shall be managed by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and available for participation by public institutions of higher education; however, participation in the Program shall be optional for such institutions. Under the bill, if a public institution of higher education satisfies (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Danica Roem Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Dependents of public school personnel, etc.; SCHEV to study reduced in-state tuition rates. [HJR-15]
Study; State Council of Higher Education for Virginia; offering reduced rate in-state tuition rates at public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth to dependents of public school instructional, administrative, and support personnel in the Commonwealth; report. Requests the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to study, in collaboration with the Department of Education, the feasibility and efficacy of offering the dependents of public school instructional, administrative, and support personnel in the Commonwealth reduced (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Helmer Left In Rules on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Virginia College Opportunity Endowment and Fund; created. [SB-501]
Virginia College Savings Plan; Virginia College Opportunity Endowment and Fund. Directs the board of the Virginia College Savings Plan to deposit $250 million per year of surplus moneys from the Plan's fund into the Virginia College Opportunity Fund, established by the bill. The bill provides that such deposit shall not be made or shall be reduced in any year in which the College Opportunity Investment Advisory Committee determines that certain conditions relating to the Plan's funded status are not met. The Committee is established by the bill (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Virginia College Opportunity Endowment and Fund; created. [HB-1305]
Virginia College Savings Plan; Virginia College Opportunity Endowment and Fund. Directs the board of the Virginia College Savings Plan to deposit $250 million per year of surplus moneys from the Plan's fund into the Virginia College Opportunity Fund, established by the bill. The bill provides that such deposit shall not be made or shall be reduced in any year in which the College Opportunity Investment Advisory Committee determines that certain conditions relating to the Plan's funded status are not met. The Committee is established by the bill (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. C.E. Hayes Left In Appropriations on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

In-state tuition; eligibility for certain members of National Guard or Reserves of the Armed Forces. [HB-1374]
In-state tuition eligibility; certain members of National Guard or Reserves of the Armed Forces of the United States units in the Commonwealth. Declares eligible for in-state tuition charges at public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth regardless of domicile any member of the National Guard or the Reserves of the Armed Forces of the United States who is not a resident of the Commonwealth but who is an active member of a unit of the National Guard or the Reserves of the Armed Forces of the United States in the Commonwealth.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Ballard Left In Education on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Regional career and technical education program; establishing in Planning District 2. [SB-563]
Department of Education; Virginia Community College System; regional career and technical education program. Directs the Department of Education, in collaboration with the Virginia Community College System, the Virginia Board of Workforce Development, the Board of Education, the school board and division superintendent of Tazewell County Public Schools, and representatives of the governing boards of comprehensive community colleges located in Tazewell County and contiguous counties to study the feasibility of and make recommendations on developing (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Travis Hackworth Left In Rules on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Va. Nat'l Guard State Tuition Assistance Program; provisions relating to eligibility for grants. [HB-366]
Institutions of higher education; tuition grants; Virginia National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program. Makes several changes to the Virginia National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program, including (i) making the provisions relating to the requirements and conditions for eligibility for and award of grants under the Program subject to regulations as prescribed by the Adjutant General, (ii) eliminating the requirement to satisfy financial obligations with the institution of higher education at the beginning of each semester, (iii) simplifying (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. David Reid Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Higher ed. institutions, baccalaureate public; SCHEV to study $10,000 tuition per year degree. [HJR-61]
Study; State Council of Higher Education for Virginia; $10,000 per year baccalaureate degree; report. Requests that the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (i) study the feasibility of implementing the option for students to pay $10,000 annually for tuition and mandatory fees to earn a degree at a baccalaureate public institution of higher education in the Commonwealth by surveying each baccalaureate public institution of higher education to determine the likely impact of such an option on enrollment, revenue, costs, services, staffing, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Runion Left In Rules on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Higher educational institutions, public; duties of governing boards, acceptance & use of donations. [SB-717]
Public institutions of higher education; duties of governing boards; acceptance and use of donations. Provides that the governing board of each public institution of higher education may receive, take, hold, and enjoy any donation or gift made to such institution or governing board and may use and administer any such donation or gift for the uses and purposes designated by the donor or, if no such specific designation is made, for the general purposes of the institution. The bill provides that in the event that a donor specifically designates any (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan McDougle Left In Education And Health on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Higher ed. institutions, public; tuition and financial aid, dependency override application form. [HB-981]
Public institutions of higher education; tuition and financial aid; dependency override application form. Requires each public institution of higher education to develop, maintain, and post publicly on the financial aid page of such institution's website informational materials relating to the dependency override application process and to review and update such materials as necessary to reflect current federal law and guidance on such process. The bill requires such informational materials to include, in a language and format accessible to students (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Willett Left In Education on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Va. Nat'l Guard State Tuition Assistance Program; provisions relating to eligibility for grants. [SB-219]
Institutions of higher education; tuition grants; Virginia National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program. Makes several changes to the Virginia National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program, including (i) making the provisions relating to the requirements and conditions for eligibility for and award of grants under the Program subject to regulations as prescribed by the Adjutant General, (ii) eliminating the requirement to satisfy financial obligations with the institution of higher education at the beginning of each semester, (iii) simplifying (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Glen Sturtevant Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Higher educational institutions, public; SCHEV to study guaranteed first-year admission policy. [HJR-21]
Study; State Council of Higher Education for Virginia; public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth; guaranteed first-year admission; report. Requests the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to study the feasibility of implementing a guaranteed first-year admission policy at each public institution of higher education for certain high school graduates in the Commonwealth and report its findings and recommendations no later than the first day of the 2025 Regular Session of the General Assembly.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko Left In Rules on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Virginia Museum of Transportation; established. [SB-418]
Virginia Museum of Transportation; established. Establishes the Virginia Museum of Transportation as a public entity and educational institution under the Commonwealth. The bill provides that the Museum is governed by a 15-member board of trustees.


Sponsored by: Sen. Chris Head Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Va. School for the Deaf & the Blind, Board of Visitors of the; authority to establish campus police. [HB-675]
Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind; authority to establish campus police department. Permits the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind to establish a campus police department, in compliance with the provisions of law relating to campus police departments established by institutions of higher education, and to employ campus police officers therein.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Runion Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Sports betting; permitted on Virginia college sports. [SB-124]
Sports betting; Virginia college sports. Permits betting, with the exception of proposition betting, on Virginia college sports. Under current law, betting other than proposition betting is allowed on all college sports except Virginia college sports.


Sponsored by: Sen. Schuyler VanValkenburg Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Higher educational institutions, public; Dept. of Education to audit education preparation programs. [HB-211]
Department of Education; audit of education preparation programs at public institutions of higher education; science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction; frequency. Changes from once every seven years to biennially the frequency with which the Department of Education is required to audit each education preparation program for compliance with the requirements set forth in relevant law relating to student coursework and mastery in science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction.


Sponsored by: Rep. Fernando Martinez Left In Education on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Higher educational institutions, baccalaureate public; student application fees, report. [HB-1307]
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia; survey; baccalaureate public institutions of higher education; student application fees; report. Requires the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to survey each baccalaureate public institution of higher education in the Commonwealth to determine, for the 2023–2024 academic year, (i) the median, average, and full per-student application fee charged by the institution; (ii) the total number and percentage of student applicants who receive an application fee waiver from the institution; (iii) (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Atoosa Reaser Left In Rules on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Absentee voting in person; voter satellite offices, etc. [HB-941]
Absentee voting in person; voter satellite offices; establishment on the campus of certain public institutions of higher education. Requires, for any general election, at least one voter satellite office to be established on the campus of any baccalaureate public institution of higher education that has more than 3,000 enrolled students. The bill directs the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to report each year to the State Board of Elections the number of enrolled students, as defined by the bill, at each baccalaureate public institution (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell Left In Privileges And Elections on 11/18/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Public education; dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment, high school graduation. [HB-1051]
Public education; dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment; high school graduation. Makes several changes relating to graduation from a public high school in the Commonwealth, including (i) eliminating the requirement for a student to complete one virtual course in order to graduate from high school and (ii) specifying that various options and requirements relating to earning career and technical education credentials for the purpose of satisfying high school graduation requirements are required to be high-demand career and technical education (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Amanda Batten Left In Education on 11/18/2024

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