Howard County - Room Rental Tax - Maximum Rate and Distribution Ho. Co. 18-25 [HB-1523]
Increasing from 7% to 8% the maximum sales or use tax rate that Howard County is authorized to impose on room rentals in the County for sleeping accommodations for transients; and requiring Howard County to distribute revenue attributable to a tax rate greater than 7% to the Howard County Tourism Council.
HB-1523: Howard County - Room Rental Tax - Maximum Rate and Distribution Ho. Co. 18-25
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Favorable Report By Ways And Means on 03/14/2025
Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act [HB-1509]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for public local employees; applying the Maryland Public Employee Relations Act to county and municipal government employers and their employees; providing that a public employee may be deemed a certain management employee for purposes of establishing collective bargaining rights; establishing impasse procedures for collective bargaining between public local employees and their employers that include binding arbitration; etc.
HB-1509: Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Harris
Rereferred To Appropriations on 03/06/2025
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class MT (Movie Theater) License [SB-1019]
Establishing a Class MT (movie theater) beer, wine, and liquor license in Howard County; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Howard County to issue the license to the owner of a movie theater who holds a crowd control training certification; authorizing a license holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor to certain patrons at retail for on-premises consumption; authorizing the Board to set the annual license fee and the hours and days of sale for the license; etc.
SB-1019: Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class MT (Movie Theater) License
Sponsored by: Sen.
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/14/2025
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class MT (Movie Theater) License [HB-1494]
Establishing a Class MT (movie theater) beer, wine, and liquor license in Howard County; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Howard County to issue the license to the owner of a movie theater who holds a crowd control training certification; authorizing a license holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor to certain patrons at retail for on-premises consumption; and authorizing the Board to set the annual license fee and the hours and days of sale for the license.
HB-1494: Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class MT (Movie Theater) License
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Favorable With Amendments Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2025
Howard County - Study on Detecting Deadly Weapons in Public Middle and High Schools Ho. Co. 15-25 [HB-1384]
Requiring the Howard County Board of Education to study how best to detect deadly weapons in Howard County public middle and high schools and how best to rapidly report the detection of weapons to a law enforcement agency; and requiring, by October 1, 2025, in a manner that does not jeopardize school safety, the Howard County Board of Education to report on the findings of its study to the State
Superintendent of Schools and the Howard County Delegation to the General Assembly.
HB-1384: Howard County - Study on Detecting Deadly Weapons in Public Middle and High Schools Ho. Co. 15-25
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/04/2025
Howard County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Authorization Ho. Co. 9-25 [HB-1311]
Expanding the authorization to place and use speed monitoring systems on highways in Howard County to authorize their use in residential districts, on certain high-risk highways, and on U.S. Route 1; and requiring the fines collected by Howard County as a result of violations enforced by certain speed monitoring systems to be used for public safety purposes, including pedestrian or highway safety programs, or to fund deferred maintenance work at Howard County public schools.
HB-1311: Howard County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Authorization Ho. Co. 9-25
Sponsored by: No sponsors
First Reading Environment And Transportation on 02/07/2025
Transportation - Regional Transportation Authorities [HB-1370]
Establishing the Baltimore region, capital region, and Southern Maryland region transportation authorities to develop and implement certain transportation plans; establishing the Baltimore region, capital region, and Southern Maryland region transportation funds as special, nonlapsing funds; imposing certain transportation authority sales tax surcharges, hotel surcharges, and transfer tax surcharges; etc.
Local Government - Accommodations Intermediaries - Hotel Rental Tax Collection by Comptroller [HB-1103]
Requiring certain accommodations intermediaries to collect and remit the hotel rental tax to the Comptroller rather than to each county; providing for the administration of the hotel rental tax by the Comptroller; providing that certain provisions of State law prevail over certain local laws or agreements related to the hotel rental tax; repealing the authority of certain counties to provide for certain exemptions from the hotel rental tax; etc.
HB-1103: Local Government - Accommodations Intermediaries - Hotel Rental Tax Collection by Comptroller
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary
Hearing Canceled on 02/07/2025
Howard County - Department of Fire and Rescue Services - Current and Prospective Employee Medical Cannabis Use [SB-969]
Prohibiting the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services from taking certain adverse employment actions against an employee or prospective employee solely because of the employee's or prospective employee's authorized use of medical cannabis; and authorizing the Department to prohibit an employee from working while impaired by cannabis or using cannabis within the 12 hours immediately precedeing the employee's shift.
SB-969: Howard County - Department of Fire and Rescue Services - Current and Prospective Employee Medical Cannabis Use
Sponsored by: Sen.
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/10/2025
Local Government - Accommodations Intermediaries - Hotel Rental Tax Collection by Comptroller [SB-979]
Requiring certain accommodations intermediaries to collect and remit the hotel rental tax to the Comptroller rather than to each county; providing for the administration of the hotel rental tax by the Comptroller; providing that certain provisions of State law prevail over certain local laws or agreements related to the hotel rental tax; repealing the authority of certain counties to provide for certain exemptions from the hotel rental tax; etc.
SB-979: Local Government - Accommodations Intermediaries - Hotel Rental Tax Collection by Comptroller
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2025
Transportation - Regional Authorities - Established [SB-935]
Authorizing certain counties to impose certain transportation authority sales tax surcharges, hotel surcharges, and transfer tax surcharges; establishing the Baltimore region, Capital region, and Southern Maryland region transportation authorities to develop and implement certain transportation plans; establishing the Baltimore region, Capital region, and Southern Maryland region transportation funds as special, nonlapsing funds; requiring interest earnings of the funds to be credited to the funds; etc.
SB-935: Transportation - Regional Authorities - Established
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. (budget And Taxation) on 02/05/2025
Howard County - Ambient Air Quality Control - Permit Applications, Permit Holders, and Property Tax Credit Ho. Co. 6-25 [SB-966]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to provide for an informational meeting on an application for an air quality control permit for activities located in Howard County; requiring Howard County to hold a public meeting before verifying that certain zoning and land use requirements are satisfied; requiring certain permit holders in Howard County to provide annual emission reports to certain community associations; authorizing the governing body of Howard County to grant a certain property tax credit; etc.
SB-966: Howard County - Ambient Air Quality Control - Permit Applications, Permit Holders, and Property Tax Credit Ho. Co. 6-25
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing Canceled (education, Energy, And The Environment) on 02/19/2025
Howard County - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization [SB-967]
Authorizing the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in Howard County to enforce certain motor vehicle noise requirements; and requiring that Howard County report by March 1, 2026, to the Governor and the General Assembly on the time period noise abatement monitoring systems were in use, the number of warnings and citations issued, the costs associated with implementation, the revenue collected, and the effectiveness of noise abatement monitoring systems in reducing the noise produced by motor vehicles in the county.
SB-967: Howard County - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
Transportation - Regional Transportation Authorities [SB-881]
Establishing the Baltimore region, capital region, and Southern Maryland region transportation authorities to develop and implement certain transportation plans; establishing the Baltimore region, capital region, and Southern Maryland region transportation funds as special, nonlapsing funds; imposing certain transportation authority sales tax surcharges, hotel surcharges, and transfer tax surcharges; etc.
Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act [SB-976]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for public local employees; applying the Maryland Public Employee Relations Act to county and municipal government employers and their employees; providing that a public employee may be deemed a certain management employee for purposes of establishing collective bargaining rights; establishing impasse procedures for collective bargaining between public local employees and their employers that include binding arbitration; etc.
SB-976: Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025