House Committee On Financial Services

US Congress 117th Congress

Electing a Member to certain standing committee of the House of Representatives. [HR-511]
Electing a Member to certain standing committee of the House of Representatives.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Rouzer Introduced In House on 06/30/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

To remove Maxine Waters from the Committee on Financial Services for inciting violence against the United States. [HR-328]
To remove Maxine Waters from the Committee on Financial Services for inciting violence against the United States.


Sponsored by: Rep. Marjorie Greene Introduced In House on 04/19/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Financial Services in the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress. [HR-229]
Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Financial Services in the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress.


Sponsored by: Rep. Maxine Waters Introduced In House on 03/11/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-62]
Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives.


Sponsored by: Rep. Brad Sherman Introduced In House on 01/28/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-10]
Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives.


Sponsored by: Rep. Liz Cheney Introduced In House on 01/04/2021

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US Congress 114th Congress

Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Financial Services in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. [HR-98]
Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Financial Services in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. Provides amounts for expenses of the House Committee on Financial Services for the 114th Congress.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jeb Hensarling Introduced In House on 02/10/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-7]
Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. Elects specified Members to the following House Committees: (1) Agriculture; (2) Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) the Budget; (5) Education and the Workforce; (6) Energy and Commerce; (7) Ethics; (8) Financial Services; (9) Foreign Affairs; (10) Homeland Security; (11) House Administration; (12) the Judiciary; (13) Natural Resources; (14) Oversight and Government Reform; (15) Rules; (16) Science, Space, and Technology; (17) Small Business; (18) Transportation (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Xavier Becerra Introduced In House on 01/06/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-6]
Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. Elects specified Members to the House Committees on: (1) Agriculture; (2) Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) the Budget; (5) Education and the Workforce; (6) Energy and Commerce; (7) Ethics; (8) Financial Services; (9) Foreign Affairs; (10) Homeland Security; (11) House Administration; (12) the Judiciary; (13) Natural Resources; (14) Oversight and Government Reform; (15) Rules; (16) Science, Space, and Technology; (17) Small Business; (18) Transportation and Infrastructure; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Introduced In House on 01/06/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.B. 3762) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 2002 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2016. [HR-579]
Providing for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.B. 3762) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 2002 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2016. Sets forth the rule for consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.B. 3762) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 2002 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2016. Amends H.Res.5 to allow the chair of the following committees, for the remainder of the 114th Congress and upon consultation with the ranking minority (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Rob Woodall Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H37-51) on 01/06/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-29]
Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. Elects specified Members to the following House Committees: (1) Agriculture; (2) Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) Education and the Workforce; (5) Energy and Commerce; (6) Financial Services; (7) Foreign Affairs; (8) Homeland Security; (9) the Judiciary; (10) Natural Resources; (11) Oversight and Government Reform; (12) Science, Space, and Technology; (13) Small Business; (14) Transportation and Infrastructure; (15) Veterans' Affairs; and (16) Ways and Means.


Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Messer Introduced In House on 01/13/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-272]
Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. Elects specified Members to the following House Committees: (1) Financial Services, (2) Foreign Affairs, and (3) Homeland Security.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Introduced In House on 05/19/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Providing for the expenses of certain committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. [HR-132]
Providing for the expenses of certain committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. Sets forth the levels of payment for 114th Congress expenses (including staff salaries) for the Committees on: (1) Agriculture; (2) Armed Services; (3) the Budget; (4) Education and the Workforce; (5) Energy and Commerce; (6) Ethics; (7) Financial Services; (8) Foreign Affairs; (9) Homeland Security; (10) House Administration; (11) Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; (12) the Judiciary; (13) Natural Resources; (14) Oversight (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Candice Miller Considered Under The Provisions Of Rule H. Res. 152. (consideration: Cr H1789-1792) on 03/19/2015

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US Congress 113th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-7]
Elects specified named Members to the following House Committees: (1) Agriculture; (2) Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) the Budget; (5) Education and the Workforce; (6) Energy and Commerce; (7) Ethics; (8) Financial Services; (9) Foreign Affairs; (10) Homeland Security; (11) House Administration; (12) the Judiciary; (13) Natural Resources; (14) Oversight and Government Reform; (15) Rules; (16) Science, Space, and Technology; (17) Small Business; (18) Transportation and Infrastructure; (19) Veterans' Affairs; and (20) Ways and Means.


Sponsored by: Rep. Xavier Becerra Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H23-24) on 01/03/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-6]
Elects specified Members to the House Committees on: (1) Agriculture; (2) Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) the Budget; (5) Education and the Workforce; (6) Energy and Commerce; (7) Ethics; (8) Financial Services; (9) Foreign Affairs; (10) Homeland Security; (11) House Administration; (12) the Judiciary; (13) Natural Resources; (14) Oversight and Government Reform; (15) Rules; (16) Science, Space, and Technology; (17) Small Business; (18) Transportation and Infrastructure; (19) Veterans' Affairs; and (20) Ways and Means.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H23) on 01/03/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Electing a Member to a standing committee of the House of Representatives. [HR-589]
Elects a specified Member to the House Committee on Financial Services.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H4487) on 05/20/2014

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US Congress 113th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-537]
Elects specified Members to the following House Committees: (1) Armed Services, and (2) Financial Services.


Sponsored by: Rep. Xavier Becerra Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H2891-2892) on 04/03/2014

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US Congress 113th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-22]
Elects specified named Members to the following House Committees: (1) Agriculture; (2)Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) the Budget; (5) Financial Services; (6) Foreign Affairs; (7) Homeland Security; (8) the Judiciary; (9) Natural Resources; (10) Oversight and Government Reform; (11) Science, Space, and Technology; (12) Small Business; and (13) Veterans' Affairs.


Sponsored by: Rep. Xavier Becerra Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H75) on 01/14/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. [HR-17]
Elects specified named Members to the following House Committees: (1) Agriculture; (2) Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) Education and the Workforce; (5) Energy and Commerce; (6) Financial Services; (7) Foreign Affairs; (8) Homeland Security; (9) the Judiciary; (10) Natural Resources; (11) Oversight and Government Reform; (12) Science, Space, and Technology; (13) Small Business; (14) Transportation and Infrastructure; (15) Veterans' Affairs; and (16) Ways and Means.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H48-49) on 01/04/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Electing a Member to a standing committee of the House of Representatives. [HR-162]
Elects a specified named Member to the House Committee on Financial Services.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Considered As Privileged Matter. (consideration: Cr H2033) on 04/16/2013

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US Congress 113th Congress

Providing for the expenses of certain committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress. [HR-115]
Sets forth the levels of payment for 113th Congress expenses (including staff salaries) for the Committees on: (1) Agriculture; (2) Armed Services; (3) the Budget; (4) Education and the Workforce; (5) Energy and Commerce; (6) Ethics; (7) Financial Services; (8) Foreign Affairs; (9) Homeland Security; (10) House Administration; (11) Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; (12) the Judiciary; (13) Natural Resources; (14) Oversight and Government Reform; (15) Rules; (16) Science, Space, and Technology; (17) Small Business; (18) Transportation and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Candice Miller Rule H. Res. 122 Passed House. on 03/19/2013

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