Relating To Purchases Of Health And Human Services Under Chapter 103f, Hawaii Revised Statutes. [HB-1663]
Requires state moneys used to procure health and human services to be the funding source of last resort. Requires a purchasing agent to give a preference to an applicant that is a qualified medicaid provider when evaluating competitive purchase of health and human services contract proposals. Specifies that if 2 otherwise equally qualified applicants are seeking the same purchases of services contract, the purchasing agency shall select the applicant who is a qualified medicaid provider. Requires the Department of Health to provide an explanation
HB-1663: Relating To Purchases Of Health And Human Services Under Chapter 103f, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kyle Yamashita
The Committee(s) On Hhh Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 02/10/2022