SB-356: Provides that a communication between an attorney and client acting as a trustee or other fiduciary, is privileged and protected from disclosure to the same extent as if the client was acting in his, her, or its individual capacity.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark McKenney
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/13/2025
You have voted SB-356: Provides that a communication between an attorney and client acting as a trustee or other fiduciary, is privileged and protected from disclosure to the same extent as if the client was acting in his, her, or its individual capacity..
AN ACT relating to disposition of property. [HB-720]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 394 to enact the Uniform Electronic Wills Act; define terms; establish the applicability of electronic wills; address the effect of a will electronically executed in another jurisdiction; establish requirements for executing and revoking an electronic will; address records that are not executed in compliance with the requirements for an electronic will; provide requirements for an electronic will to be self-proving; allow for certified paper copies of an electronic will; create new sections of KRS Chapter 394 to
HB-720: AN ACT relating to disposition of property.
Sponsored by: Rep. Matt Lockett
To Judiciary (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to the fiduciary duties owed to the state-administered retirement systems. [SB-183]
Amend KRS 21.450, 61.650, 78.790, and 161.430 relating to the fiduciary duties owed to the state-administered retirement systems to define "shareholder-sponsored proposal" and "economic analysis"; require a proxy adviser under contract with a state-administered retirement system to conduct and document an economic analysis prior to voting on or recommending a vote on a shareholder-sponsored proposal that is inconsistent with the recommendation of the board of directors of the issuer of shares in order to demonstrate that a vote against management's
SB-183: AN ACT relating to the fiduciary duties owed to the state-administered retirement systems.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Mills
Vetoed on 03/26/2025
HB-5365: Provides that a communication between an attorney and client acting as a trustee or other fiduciary, is privileged and protected from disclosure to the same extent as if the client was acting in his, her, or its individual capacity.
Sponsored by: Rep. Carol McEntee
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/04/2025
You have voted HB-5365: Provides that a communication between an attorney and client acting as a trustee or other fiduciary, is privileged and protected from disclosure to the same extent as if the client was acting in his, her, or its individual capacity..
Consumer Protection - Third-Party Litigation Financing [HB-1274]
Prohibiting certain litigation financiers from engaging in certain conduct with respect to litigation financing transactions and certain litigation financing contracts; requiring that the litigation financing contracts contain certain disclosures and be executed in a certain manner; requiring a certain disclosure of a litigation financing contract in certain civil actions; and imposing a fiduciary duty on litigation financiers in certain class actions.
Sale of Residential Property - Taxes and Offers to Purchase (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025) [HB-1428]
Imposing an excise tax on the acquisition and excess ownership of certain single-family residences in the State by certain entities; authorizing a person who offers for sale to a third party improved single-family residential real property, for the first 30 days, to accept an offer to purchase the property made only by an individual, a community development organization, a nonprofit organization, or a real estate enterprise that owns an interest in less than 3% of all residential real property in the county; etc.
HB-1428: Sale of Residential Property - Taxes and Offers to Purchase (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025)
Sponsored by: Rep. Marlon Amprey
First Reading Environment And Transportation And Ways And Means on 02/07/2025
AN ACT relating to state financial practices. [HB-376]
Amend KRS 42.500 to authorize the State Investment Commission to make investments in certain digital assets and bullion; define terms; establish requirements for investments; prohibit investments in central bank digital currency; make technical corrections; amend KRS 42.525 to specify administrative regulation authority of commission regarding investment powers and requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 42 to authorize state retirement funds and state deferred compensation fund participants to invest in exchange traded products; amend
HB-376: AN ACT relating to state financial practices.
Sponsored by: Rep. T.J. Roberts
To Banking & Insurance (h) on 02/12/2025
AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Public Employees' Deferred Compensation Authority. [SB-104]
Amend KRS 18A.230 to define "self-directed brokerage account" (SDBA); amend KRS 18A.235 to authorize the board of trustees of the Kentucky Public Employees Deferred Compensation Authority (KY Deferred Comp) to purchase fiduciary liability insurance and reimburse its trustees, officers, and employees for legal expenses relating to performance of their duties; amend KRS 18A.245 to authorize KY Deferred Comp to offer SDBAs to its participants, contract with SDBA vendors, and promulgate administrative regulations relating to SDBAs for its participants,
SB-104: AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Public Employees' Deferred Compensation Authority.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jimmy Higdon
Taken From Rules on 03/13/2025
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 35, relative to foreclosure notices. [HB-1127]
As introduced, increases, from 10 business days to 12 business days, the time prior to the date of sale of land to foreclose a deed of trust, mortgage, or other lien securing the payment of money or other thing of value that a substitute trustee has to send notice to the debtor, a co-debtor, and any other interested party, with the substitute trustee's name and address, if the name of the substitute trustee was not included in the first publication advertising the sale. - Amends TCA Title 35.
HB-1127: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 35, relative to foreclosure notices.
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Farmer
Action Def. In S/c Civil Justice Subcommittee To 4/2/2025 on 03/26/2025
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 35, relative to foreclosure notices. [SB-727]
As introduced, increases, from 10 business days to 12 business days, the time prior to the date of sale of land to foreclose a deed of trust, mortgage, or other lien securing the payment of money or other thing of value that a substitute trustee has to send notice to the debtor, a co-debtor, and any other interested party, with the substitute trustee's name and address, if the name of the substitute trustee was not included in the first publication advertising the sale. - Amends TCA Title 35.
SB-727: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 35, relative to foreclosure notices.
Sponsored by: Sen. J. Adam Lowe
Placed On Senate Judiciary Committee Calendar For 3/31/2025 on 03/26/2025
St. Mary's County - Public Facilities Bond [SB-623]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of St. Mary's County to borrow not more than $71,000,000 in order to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in St. Mary's County, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds; etc.
SB-623: St. Mary's County - Public Facilities Bond
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Bailey
Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Sale of Residential Property - Taxes and Offers to Purchase (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025) [SB-582]
Authorizing a person who offers for sale to a third party improved single-family residential real property, for the first 30 days, to accept an offer to purchase the property made only by an individual, a community development organization, a nonprofit organization, or a real estate enterprise that owns an interest in less than 3% of all residential real property in the county; and altering the rate of the State transfer tax payable for an instrument of writing for a sale of certain residential real property under certain circumstances.
SB-582: Sale of Residential Property - Taxes and Offers to Purchase (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025)
Sponsored by: Sen. Shaneka Henson
Hearing Canceled (budget And Taxation) And Hearing Canceled (judicial Proceedings) on 02/17/2025
Excess Ownership of Single-Family Residences Excise Tax (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025) [SB-510]
Imposing an excise tax on the acquisition and excess ownership of certain single-family residences in the State by certain entities; providing for the calculation, collection, and distribution of the excise tax; establishing the Down Payment and Settlement Expense Loan Program Fund which may be used only to provide financing for down payment and settlement expenses to enable eligible homebuyers to purchase homes; etc.
SB-510: Excess Ownership of Single-Family Residences Excise Tax (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025)
Sponsored by: Sen. Shaneka Henson
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/17/2025
Real Property - Transfer-on-Death Deed - Establishment [HB-625]
Altering the Maryland Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act to provide for the disclaimer of nonprobate transfers at death; providing for the creation, revocation, recordation, and effects of a transfer-on-death deed for real property; requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts to develop an informational sheet regarding transfer-on-death deeds; providing example forms for the creation and revocation of a transfer-on-death deed; etc.
HB-625: Real Property - Transfer-on-Death Deed - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m. (judiciary) on 01/27/2025
St. Mary's County - Public Facilities Bond [HB-561]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of St. Mary's County to borrow not more than $71,000,000 in order to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in St. Mary's County, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds; etc.
HB-561: St. Mary's County - Public Facilities Bond
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 3/12 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/21/2025
Estates and Trusts - Fiduciaries - Attorney-Client Privilege [HB-310]
Clarifying that a communication between an attorney and a client that acts as a fiduciary is subject to the attorney-client privilege even if fiduciary funds are used to compensate the attorney for services rendered to the client.
HB-310: Estates and Trusts - Fiduciaries - Attorney-Client Privilege
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Hearing Canceled on 02/03/2025
Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland [HB-315]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland to examine and analyze the efficiency, uniformity, and quality of fiduciary adjudication in Maryland and make recommendations; requiring the orphans' courts, circuit courts, registers of wills, and Administrative Office of the Courts to comply with certain requests of the Task Force; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and make recommendations on or before January 1, 2026.
HB-315: Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/26/2025
Estates and Trusts - Fiduciaries - Attorney-Client Privilege [SB-135]
Clarifying that a communication between an attorney and a client that acts as a fiduciary is subject to the attorney-client privilege even if fiduciary funds are used to compensate the attorney for services rendered to the client.
SB-135: Estates and Trusts - Fiduciaries - Attorney-Client Privilege
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Referred Judiciary on 03/07/2025