Create Department Of Agriculture [HB-140]
An Act establishing the Department of Agriculture; relating to the establishment of the Department of Agriculture; transferring functions of the Department of Natural Resources related to agriculture to the Department of Agriculture; and providing for an effective date.
HB-140: Create Department Of Agriculture
Sponsored by: Rep.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/17/2025
Create Department Of Agriculture [SB-128]
An Act establishing the Department of Agriculture; relating to the establishment of the Department of Agriculture; transferring functions of the Department of Natural Resources related to agriculture to the Department of Agriculture; and providing for an effective date.
SB-128: Create Department Of Agriculture
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/12/2025
Climate Change Commission [SB-120]
An Act establishing the Alaska Climate Change Emergency Response Commission; and relating to the powers and duties of the Alaska Climate Change Emergency Response Commission.
SB-120: Climate Change Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Elvira Gray-Jackson
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/05/2025
Alaska Sunset Commission [SB-107]
An Act establishing a violation for hindering the Alaska Sunset Commission; establishing the Alaska Sunset Commission to review, audit, and make recommendations on discontinuation of or changes to state entities; and relating to the powers and duties of the Alaska Sunset Commission.
SB-107: Alaska Sunset Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelley Hughes
Cosponsor(s): Yundt, Myers, Kaufman, Cronk, Shower on 03/03/2025
Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp [SB-56]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making reappropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-56: Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/24/2025
Relating To The Classification And Compensation Systems. [SB-1567]
Requires the Department of Human Resources Development to complete a comprehensive review of the classification and compensation systems for civil service positions under the jurisdiction of the Department of Human Resource Development. Allows the Department to contract a third-party, in accordance with the Hawaii Public Procurement Code, to assist with the timely completion of the review. Requires reports to the Legislature. Appropriates funds. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
SB-1567: Relating To The Classification And Compensation Systems.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynn Decoite
Passed Second Reading As Amended In Hd 1 And Referred To The Committee(s) On Fin With None Voting Aye With Reservations; Representative(s) Pierick Voting No (1) And Representative(s) Cochran, Ward Excused (2). on 03/18/2025
Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp [HB-53]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making reappropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
HB-53: Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp
Sponsored by: Rep.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/22/2025
Relating To State Organization And Administration. [SB-1205]
Requires state executive branch departments, offices, and other agencies to comply with directive number 19-02, Hawaii Administrative Directives, as extended by directive number 23-01, Hawaii Administrative Directives. Requires reports to the Legislature. (SD1)
SB-1205: Relating To State Organization And Administration.
Sponsored by: Sen. Sharon Moriwaki
Reported From Gvo (stand. Com. Rep. No. 320) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Wam. on 02/12/2025
Relating To The State Budget. [SB-933]
Appropriates moneys for grants for fiscal year 2025-2026. Subjects recipient organizations to certain requirements. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD2)
SB-933: Relating To The State Budget.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dru Kanuha
Bill Scheduled To Be Heard By Fin On Thursday, 03-27-25 2:00pm In House Conference Room 308 Via Videoconference. on 03/24/2025
Relating To Internships. [HB-430]
Authorizes the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to enter into contracts with eligible employers or registered apprenticeship programs in the private sector to provide on-the-job training to eligible interns. Requires annual reports to the Legislature. Requires the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to collaborate with the Department of Human Resources Development for placement of interns in state executive branch departments, agencies, and programs. Provides that the State shall be the responsible employer for purposes of workers'
HB-430: Relating To Internships.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregg Takayama
Report Adopted; Passed Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referred To Wam. on 03/19/2025
Ai, Deepfakes, Cybersecurity, Data Xfers [SB-2]
An Act relating to disclosure of election-related deepfakes; relating to use of artificial intelligence by state agencies; and relating to transfer of data about individuals between state agencies.
SB-2: Ai, Deepfakes, Cybersecurity, Data Xfers
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelley Hughes
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/22/2025
Office Of Information Technology [SB-38]
An Act establishing the office of information technology; relating to information technology projects undertaken by state agencies; and providing for an effective date.
SB-38: Office Of Information Technology
Sponsored by: Sen. James Kaufman
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/22/2025