Dental Examiners, Board Of

State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the temporary licensing of a dentist who performs voluntary charity care. [SB-1130]
Relating to the temporary licensing of a dentist who performs voluntary charity care.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner Reported Favorably As Substituted on 04/11/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the practice of dentistry; imposing surcharges and fees. [HB-3201]
Relating to the practice of dentistry; imposing surcharges and fees.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst See Remarks For Effective Date on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the temporary licensing of a dentist who performs voluntary charity care. [HB-1491]
Relating to the temporary licensing of a dentist who performs voluntary charity care.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner Effective Immediately on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to governmental and certain quasi-governmental entities subject to the sunset review process. [SB-652]
Relating to governmental and certain quasi-governmental entities subject to the sunset review process.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Bonnen Effective Immediately on 06/17/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the creation of the Texas Department of Health Professions to regulate certain health professions, the transfer of certain powers and duties to the department, and the abolishment of certain state agencies and other licensing entities. [SB-1785]
Relating to the creation of the Texas Department of Health Professions to regulate certain health professions, the transfer of certain powers and duties to the department, and the abolishment of certain state agencies and other licensing entities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Patrick Read First Time on 03/23/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the licensing and regulation of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratories; providing penalties. [SB-887]
Relating to the licensing and regulation of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratories; providing penalties.

Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Effective On 9/1/09 on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the regulation of the practice of dental assistants, including the delegation of certain dental acts. [SB-455]
Relating to the regulation of the practice of dental assistants, including the delegation of certain dental acts.

Sponsored by: Sen. Carlos Uresti Effective On 9/1/09 on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the licensing and regulation of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratories; providing penalties. [HB-4679]
Relating to the licensing and regulation of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratories; providing penalties.

Sponsored by: Rep. John Zerwas Read First Time on 03/26/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the regulation of the practice of dental assistants, including the delegation of certain dental acts. [HB-3670]
Relating to the regulation of the practice of dental assistants, including the delegation of certain dental acts.

Sponsored by: Rep. Al Edwards Removed From Local & Uncontested Calendar on 05/26/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain military dentists and dental hygienists who provide voluntary charity dental or dental hygiene care. [HB-2007]
Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain military dentists and dental hygienists who provide voluntary charity dental or dental hygiene care.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Cosper Effective On 9/1/17 on 05/29/2017

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