Records Management and Preservation - State Units and Public Officials - Responsibilities [SB-44]
Altering the procedures required to be included in a program for the management of records; requiring each head of a unit of State government to designate a records officer to carry out specified functions; providing that the Records Management Division is required to study the records management practices of the units of State government; altering examples of records that are required to be offered by a public official to the State Archives for transfer; etc.
SB-44: Records Management and Preservation - State Units and Public Officials - Responsibilities
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 539 on 05/04/2017
Minority Business Enterprises - Program Participation - Requirements and Reauthorization [SB-4]
Requiring minority business enterprises serving as subcontractors on specified contracts to submit, within 10 days after notice from the prime contractor of the State's intent to award a contract, documentation providing the percentage and type of work assigned to the subcontractor to the procurement officer and to the contractor; providing the findings of the General Assembly based on a specified disparity study; requiring a specified report on the Minority Business Enterprise Program be submitted by September 30, 2021; etc.
SB-4: Minority Business Enterprises - Program Participation - Requirements and Reauthorization
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 340 on 04/18/2017
Real Property - Common Ownership Communities - Statewide Registration [HB-41]
Requiring a cooperative housing corporation, a condominium, and a homeowners association to register annually with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation; exempting specified common ownership communities from the applicability of the Act; establishing a Common Ownership Community Registry in the Department; requiring the Department to work with any county that maintains a local registry of common ownership communities; establishing a maximum annual registration fee of $10 per year; etc.
HB-41: Real Property - Common Ownership Communities - Statewide Registration
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Hearing 3/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2017
Long-Term Care Insurance - Sale or Transfer of Book of Business [SB-1199]
Requiring specified carriers that issue, deliver, or offer policies, contracts, or certificates of long-term care insurance in the State and sell or otherwise transfer their books of business to another carrier to, at least 14 days before the sale or transfer, provide specified written notice to each insured and provide a specified database to the Maryland Insurance Commissioner.
SB-1199: Long-Term Care Insurance - Sale or Transfer of Book of Business
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 3/30 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2017