Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Remote Ultrasound Procedures and Remote Fetal Nonstress Tests [HB-1078]
Requiring the Maryland Medical Assistance Program to provide remote ultrasound procedures and remote fetal nonstress tests if the patient is in a residence or a location other than the office of the patient's provider and the provider follows the same standard of care that the provider would follow when providing the services on-site.
HB-1078: Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Remote Ultrasound Procedures and Remote Fetal Nonstress Tests
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Patterson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 889 on 05/16/2024
Financial Institutions - Community Benefit Plan Act of 2024 [HB-1135]
Requiring certain regulated financial institutions to develop a community benefit plan in connection with certain applications to the Commissioner of Financial Regulation relating to financial services; requiring the Commissioner to exercise certain oversight authority relating to the adequacy of the community benefit plans and attainment of goals under the plans; establishing the Community Reinvestment Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to finance certain community development activities; etc.
HB-1135: Financial Institutions - Community Benefit Plan Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Rep. Melissa Wells
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/04/2024
Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission - Establishment [HB-1143]
Establishing the Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission to address factors throughout the health care system that contribute to increased emergency department wait times; authorizing the Commission to request data from certain entities; and requiring the Commission, beginning November 1, 2025, to report annually to the Governor and General Assembly on its activities and findings including updates on the development, impact and, implementation of the recommended programs on emergency department wait times.
HB-1143: Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 844 on 05/16/2024
Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program [HB-1096]
Authorizing a community-based organization, with the approval of the Maryland Department of Health, to establish an Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program to provide a location for the consumption of preobtained drugs, provide sterile needles, administer first aid, and certain other services; authorizing a Program to bill the insurance carrier of an individual who uses the services; authorizing the Department to approve not more than six programs, preferably two in urban, two in rural, and two in suburban areas; etc.
HB-1096: Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 3/01 At 2:00 P.m. on 02/14/2024
Emergency Services - Funding [SB-1092]
Increasing the motor vehicle registration emergency medical system surcharge to $40.00 per year for certain motor vehicles; altering certain provisions of law related to the Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund, including provisions related to the contents and sources of the funding and the determination of eligibility for disbursements; requiring the Governor, beginning in fiscal year 2026, to include an annual appropriation of at least $16,500,000 to the Senator William H. Amoss Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Fund; etc.
SB-1092: Emergency Services - Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 719 on 05/16/2024
Department of General Services - Renewable Natural Gas Pilot Program - Establishment [SB-935]
Requiring the Department of General Services, in consultation with the Public Service Commission, to establish a Renewable Natural Gas Pilot Program in the Department on or before January 1, 2025; requiring the Department, in consultation with the Commission, to issue a certain solicitation for a renewable natural gas contract; authorizing the Department to enter into a contract to procure renewable natural gas; terminating the Program on December 31, 2027; etc.
SB-935: Department of General Services - Renewable Natural Gas Pilot Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Gallion
Hearing Canceled on 02/28/2024
Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Self-Directed Mental Health Services - Pilot Program [SB-988]
Establishing the Self-Directed Mental Health Services Pilot Program in the Maryland Department of Health to facilitate access to clinically appropriate, person-centered, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed self-directed services in the most integrated setting appropriate for certain recipients of services under the Maryland Medical Assistance Program; requiring the Governor in fiscal years 2026 through 2028, to include $1,000,000 in the annual budget bill for the program; and requiring a certain report.
SB-988: Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Self-Directed Mental Health Services - Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Railroads - Safety Requirements (Maryland Railway Safety Act of 2024) [SB-1060]
Establishing requirements and prohibitions related to the operation of railroads in the State, including provisions related to the size of the crew, the blocking of highway grade crossings, wayside detectors, and investigations by railroad labor union representatives; and requiring the Commission of Labor and Industry to establish and maintain a database regarding the transportation of hazardous materials and waste by rail in the State.
Agriculture - Invasive Plant Species - Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act) [HB-979]
Altering the regulatory approach for controlling invasive plant species in the State, including repealing certain provisions of law relating to a two-tiered regulatory approach and requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a list of prohibited invasive plants by regulation in a certain manner on or before October 1, 2024; establishing certain protocols for assessing certain nonnative plants and determining whether those plants are invasive or whether the plants may be placed on a certain watch list; etc.
HB-979: Agriculture - Invasive Plant Species - Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 590 on 05/09/2024
Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders – Review of Court Records [SB-905]
Authorizing researchers affiliated with institutions of higher education who are conducting research to review a court record related to a petition for an extreme risk protective order; requiring the Maryland Judiciary to require an institution of higher education that has researchers reviewing court records to enter into an agreement providing for the storage and handling of the records; authorizing the Judiciary to institute an injunction or other remedy for a violation of the agreement and to prevent disclosure of certain records; etc.
SB-905: Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders – Review of Court Records
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 929 on 05/16/2024
Commercial Law - Earned Wage Access Services [SB-998]
Requiring a certain provider of earned wage access services to register with the Commissioner of Financial Regulation; requiring a provider to file a certain surety bond or an irrevocable letter of credit with the Commissioner in a certain manner; regulating providers and earned wage access services; authorizing a certain consumer to submit a written complaint to the Commissioner under certain circumstances; providing the Commissioner with certain investigatory and enforcement authority; etc.
SB-998: Commercial Law - Earned Wage Access Services
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Public Schools – Restorative Practices Schools – Establishment [SB-917]
Altering the duties of behavioral health services coordinators and the Maryland Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports regarding duties related to implementing Restorative Practices Schools throughout the State; requiring the State Department of Education to develop a comprehensive plan to implement requirements for the establishment of Restorative Practices Schools; and requiring the Department to annually report to the General Assembly on the implementation of Restorative Practices Schools beginning December 1, 2026.
SB-917: Public Schools – Restorative Practices Schools – Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2024
Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 695 [SB-1067]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to place and use 16 speed monitoring systems on Interstate 695 in Baltimore County, except that only 4 may be operated at any given time; requiring that fines collected in Baltimore County as a result of violations enforced by speed monitoring systems on Interstate 695 be used to assist in covering the cost of roadway and safety improvements on Interstate 695 in Baltimore County; requiring the Department of State Police to mail a warning notice instead of a citation for a certain violation; etc.
SB-1067: Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 695
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks
Hearing Canceled on 04/02/2024
Assisted Living Programs - Assisted Living Referrers - Requirements and Prohibitions [SB-952]
Establishing certain requirements for assisted living referrers, including requirements related to the maintenance of general liability insurance, criminal history records checks, and the provision of certain agreements and descriptions of services; prohibiting an assisted living referrer from requesting payment for a referral more than 2 years after the referral was made; requiring the Office of Health Care Quality to maintain a certain database of approved assisted living programs; etc.
SB-952: Assisted Living Programs - Assisted Living Referrers - Requirements and Prohibitions
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 839 on 05/16/2024
Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Planning - Regulations, Plans, and Fund [SB-1083]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to adopt certain regulations to oversee electric distribution system planning in the State on or before December 31, 2025; requiring electric companies in the State to submit to the Commission certain plans to upgrade certain parts of the electric distribution system in the State on or before January 1, 2026; and establishing the Electric Distribution System Make-Ready Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund administered by the Maryland Energy Administration.
SB-1083: Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Planning - Regulations, Plans, and Fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024
Hospitals - Clinical Staffing Committees and Plans - Establishment (Safe Staffing Act of 2024) [SB-1020]
Requiring each hospital licensed in the State to establish and maintain a clinical staffing committee and to implement a clinical staffing plan; requiring the Health Services Cost Review Commission to conduct investigations regarding alleged violations of certain provisions of this Act; and authorizing the Health Services Cost Review Commission to take certain actions if the Commission determines a violation has occurred.
SB-1020: Hospitals - Clinical Staffing Committees and Plans - Establishment (Safe Staffing Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024
Wildlife – Protections and Highway Crossings [SB-902]
Requiring the Department of Natural Resources, in collaboration with the State Highway Administration, to identify and prioritize certain species whose habitat or movement corridors intersect with State highways and develop tools, technology, and techniques to identify certain State highway infrastructure locations; requiring the Department of Natural Resources to develop a methodology and a cost estimate for performing a statewide deer population survey on or before November 1, 2024; etc.
SB-902: Wildlife – Protections and Highway Crossings
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young
Hearing Canceled on 04/02/2024
Maternal Health – Assessments, Referrals, and Reporting (Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024) [SB-1059]
Establishing requirements on certain health departments and health care providers and facilities regarding maternal health, including requirements regarding prenatal risk assessment forms and postpartum infant and maternal referral forms; requiring the Secretary of Health, in collaboration with the Maryland Health Care Commission, to develop a Maryland Report Card for Birthing Facility Maternity Care; requiring hospitals and freestanding birthing centers to participate in the Severe Maternal Morbidity Surveillance Program; etc.
SB-1059: Maternal Health – Assessments, Referrals, and Reporting (Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Sen. Arthur Ellis
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 798 on 05/16/2024
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup [SB-951]
Establishing the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup; and requiring the Workgroup to report its framework for reliability and reporting standards for electric vehicle charging stations and recommendations to the Senate Committee on Education, Energy, and the Environment and the House Economic Matters Committee on or before November 1, 2024.
SB-951: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 452 on 05/09/2024
Behavioral Health - Language Assistance Services Pilot Program [SB-991]
Establishing the Language Assistance Services Pilot Program in the Behavioral Health Administration to provide grants to local behavioral health authorities to reimburse behavioral health providers for language assistance services for children with limited English proficiency accessing and receiving behavioral health services and for parents and legal guardians coordinating the provision of behavioral health services and making health care decisions regarding the services on behalf of a child; etc.
SB-991: Behavioral Health - Language Assistance Services Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 867 on 05/16/2024