You have voted SB-481: Relating to the reporting and disposition of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure..
SB-724: As introduced, establishes criteria and standards to become a certified public or private monitoring company that uses GPS, transdermal, and other electronic devices to monitor the alcohol and drug use and location of a person accused or convicted of certain criminal offenses. - Amends TCA Title 40.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Kelsey
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Judiciary Committee on 04/18/2017
You have voted SB-724: As introduced, establishes criteria and standards to become a certified public or private monitoring company that uses GPS, transdermal, and other electronic devices to monitor the alcohol and drug use and location of a person accused or convicted of certain criminal offenses. - Amends TCA Title 40..
HB-837: As introduced, prohibits a court from issuing or a law enforcement officer from serving a no knock search or arrest warrant; defines a no knock warrant as a warrant that specifically enables an officer to enter a structure without giving notice of the officer's authority or the purpose of the officer's presence. - Amends TCA Title 40.
Sponsored by: Rep. John DeBerry
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Civil Justice Subcommittee Of Civil Justice Committee on 01/31/2018
You have voted HB-837: As introduced, prohibits a court from issuing or a law enforcement officer from serving a no knock search or arrest warrant; defines a no knock warrant as a warrant that specifically enables an officer to enter a structure without giving notice of the officer's authority or the purpose of the officer's presence. - Amends TCA Title 40..
You have voted HB-975: Relating to the threat or pursuit of criminal charges against a consumer in association with certain extensions of consumer credit..
HB-754: As introduced, requires the district attorney general to submit recommendations on an expunction petition within 30 days of service of the petition, rather than 60 days. - Amends TCA Title 37; Title 40; Title 41; Title 55 and Title 71.
Sponsored by: Rep. Johnny Shaw
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee Of Criminal Justice Committee on 02/28/2017
You have voted HB-754: As introduced, requires the district attorney general to submit recommendations on an expunction petition within 30 days of service of the petition, rather than 60 days. - Amends TCA Title 37; Title 40; Title 41; Title 55 and Title 71..
Unlawful detainer; initial hearings on a summons, etc. [HB-1811]
Initial hearings on a summons for unlawful detainer; amendments of amount requested on summons for unlawful detainer; immediate issuance of writs of possession in certain case judgments; written notice of satisfaction rendered in a court not of record. Provides that, at the initial hearing on a summons for unlawful detainer, upon request of the plaintiff, the court shall bifurcate the unlawful detainer case and set a continuance date no later than 120 days from the date of the initial hearing to determine final rent and damages. The bill requires
HB-1811: Unlawful detainer; initial hearings on a summons, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Loupassi
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0481) on 03/13/2017
Circuit court; failure to appear in accordance with condition of bail, etc. [HB-1765]
Appeal to circuit court; failure to appear. Provides that if any person convicted of a misdemeanor in a general district court, a juvenile and domestic relations district court, or a court of limited jurisdiction perfects an appeal and (i) fails to appear in circuit court at the time for setting the appeal for trial, (ii) fails to appear in circuit court on the trial date, or (iii) absconds from the jurisdiction, the circuit court shall enter an order affirming the judgment of the lower court, and the clerk shall tax the costs as provided by statute.
HB-1765: Circuit court; failure to appear in accordance with condition of bail, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Bulova
Read Second Time on 02/01/2017
Study; the costs and benefits of assisting localities in alleviating pay compression. [HJR-618]
Study; the costs and benefits of assisting localities in alleviating pay compression in police and deputy sheriffs' salaries; report. Requests the Department of Criminal Justice Services to study the costs and benefits of assisting localities in alleviating pay compression in police and deputy sheriffs' salaries and to propose strategies, campaigns, or state actions to alleviate pay compression issues.
HJR-618: Study; the costs and benefits of assisting localities in alleviating pay compression.
Sponsored by: Rep. Glenn Davis
Stricken From Docket By Rules By Voice Vote on 01/19/2017
Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk, penalties. [HB-1758]
Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk; penalties. Creates a procedure by which an attorney for the Commonwealth or law-enforcement officer may apply to a circuit court judge for a warrant to remove firearms from a person who poses a substantial risk of injury to himself or others. If firearms are seized pursuant to such warrant, the bill requires a court hearing within 14 days from execution of the warrant to determine whether the firearms should be returned or retained by law enforcement. Seized firearms may be retained by court
HB-1758: Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk, penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Sullivan
Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 02/07/2017
Petition for writ of actual innocence. [SB-1066]
Petition for writ of actual innocence. Provides that a person may petition for a writ of actual innocence based on biological evidence regardless of the type of plea he entered at trial. Under current law, a person may petition for a writ based on biological evidence if he (i) entered a plea of not guilty, (ii) is convicted of murder, or (iii) is convicted of a felony for which the maximum punishment is imprisonment for life. The bill also provides that the Supreme Court of Virginia shall grant the writ upon finding that the petitioner has proven
SB-1066: Petition for writ of actual innocence.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/21/2017
HB-573: As introduced, adds the offense of aggravated burglary to the list of offenses ineligible for judicial diversion. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 13; Title 39, Chapter 15 and Title 40, Chapter 35.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Gant
Sponsor(s) Added. on 02/15/2018
You have voted HB-573: As introduced, adds the offense of aggravated burglary to the list of offenses ineligible for judicial diversion. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 13; Title 39, Chapter 15 and Title 40, Chapter 35..
HB-854: Relating to the appointment by the attorney general of a special prosecutor to prosecute certain offenses that are committed by certain peace officers and that result in serious bodily injury or death.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Reynolds
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/25/2017
You have voted HB-854: Relating to the appointment by the attorney general of a special prosecutor to prosecute certain offenses that are committed by certain peace officers and that result in serious bodily injury or death..