
State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the prosecution of a parent contributing to the nonattendance of a public school student. [SB-1117]
Relating to the prosecution of a parent contributing to the nonattendance of a public school student.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Whitmire Left Pending In Committee on 05/17/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the enforcement and punishment of certain prohibited conduct that occurs on a public school campus or on a vehicle owned by a county or school district. [SB-1116]
Relating to the enforcement and punishment of certain prohibited conduct that occurs on a public school campus or on a vehicle owned by a county or school district.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Whitmire Placed On General State Calendar on 05/24/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the venue for prosecution of certain theft offenses. [SB-1103]
Relating to the venue for prosecution of certain theft offenses.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Zedler Effective On 9/1/11 on 06/17/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the criminal penalty for the discarding of certain burning materials. [SB-1043]
Relating to the criminal penalty for the discarding of certain burning materials.


Sponsored by: Sen. Kirk Watson Effective On 9/1/11 on 06/17/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment denying bail to certain persons charged with a violent or sexual offense after having been previously convicted of a violent or sexual offense. [HJR-98]
Proposing a constitutional amendment denying bail to certain persons charged with a violent or sexual offense after having been previously convicted of a violent or sexual offense.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cindy Burkett Referred To Criminal Justice on 05/05/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a state senator or state representative to forfeit office on the final conviction of a felony. [HJR-129]
Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a state senator or state representative to forfeit office on the final conviction of a felony.


Sponsored by: Rep. Elliott Naishtat Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/06/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to expulsion from school or placement in a disciplinary alternative education program. [HB-968]
Relating to expulsion from school or placement in a disciplinary alternative education program.


Sponsored by: Sen. Kirk Watson Effective Immediately on 06/17/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the costs associated with proceedings regarding cruelly treated animals. [HB-963]
Relating to the costs associated with proceedings regarding cruelly treated animals.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Rodriguez Effective On 9/1/11 on 06/17/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the creation of an offense prohibiting certain transactions involving malt liquor containing certain stimulants. [HB-882]
Relating to the creation of an offense prohibiting certain transactions involving malt liquor containing certain stimulants.


Sponsored by: Rep. Helen Giddings Referred To Business & Commerce on 05/16/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the punishment for the offense of evading arrest or detention. [HB-864]
Relating to the punishment for the offense of evading arrest or detention.


Sponsored by: Rep. Aaron Pena Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/19/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the offense of illegal voting by a person who is not a United States citizen. [HB-804]
Relating to the offense of illegal voting by a person who is not a United States citizen.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Referred To State Affairs on 05/16/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to certain offenses that involve impersonating a peace officer or other public servant and misrepresenting the nature of certain property. [HB-783]
Relating to certain offenses that involve impersonating a peace officer or other public servant and misrepresenting the nature of certain property.


Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis Referred To Criminal Justice on 05/09/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the elimination of the statute of limitations for certain felony offenses. [HB-739]
Relating to the elimination of the statute of limitations for certain felony offenses.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jimmie Aycock Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/01/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the period in which a person commits the offense of funeral service disruption. [HB-718]
Relating to the period in which a person commits the offense of funeral service disruption.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Birdwell Effective On 9/1/11 on 06/17/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain persons attending a school board meeting. [HB-698]
Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain persons attending a school board meeting.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Anderson Considered In Calendars on 05/06/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to testimony or the production of documents before a legislative committee. [HB-691]
Relating to testimony or the production of documents before a legislative committee.


Sponsored by: Rep. Will Hartnett Read First Time on 02/21/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority of the attorney representing the state to dismiss a criminal action based on the commission of a nonviolent offense. [HB-685]
Relating to the authority of the attorney representing the state to dismiss a criminal action based on the commission of a nonviolent offense.


Sponsored by: Rep. Harold Dutton Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/19/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the unauthorized harvesting of standing timber; providing for the imposition of a criminal penalty. [HB-613]
Relating to the unauthorized harvesting of standing timber; providing for the imposition of a criminal penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jessica Farrar Effective On 9/1/11 on 05/09/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the criminal penalty for failure of a trustee to pay the beneficiaries of the trust the purchase price for timber sold by the trustee. [HB-612]
Relating to the criminal penalty for failure of a trustee to pay the beneficiaries of the trust the purchase price for timber sold by the trustee.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Nichols Effective On 9/1/11 on 05/09/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the creation of the offense of possession, manufacture, transportation, repair, or sale of a tire deflation device; providing criminal penalties. [HB-47]
Relating to the creation of the offense of possession, manufacture, transportation, repair, or sale of a tire deflation device; providing criminal penalties.


Sponsored by: Rep. Aaron Pena Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/05/2011

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