AN ACT relating to children. [HB-805]
Amend KRS 600.020 to change the definition of "safety plan" to reference risks to a child's safety; amend KRS 620.032 related to child welfare data reporting; amend KRS 620.040 to include children who are alleged victims of domestic violence and abuse or sexual assault for automatic acceptance for investigation of reports of child dependency, neglect, or abuse; amend KRS 620.048 related to negotiated safety plans in child protective services investigations.
HB-805: AN ACT relating to children.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rachel Roarx
Reported Favorably, To Rules With Committee Substitute (1) on 03/13/2025
AN ACT relating to relative and fictive kin caregivers. [HB-792]
Amend KRS 605.120 to require the report by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services that tracks and analyzes data on relative and fictive kin caregiver placement be done annually and posted to the cabinet website for public access.
HB-792: AN ACT relating to relative and fictive kin caregivers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sarah Stalker
To Families & Children (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to the dissolution of marriage. [HB-549]
Amend KRS 403.044 to establish that the 60-day waiting period for the presentation of testimony in a divorce proceeding involving minor children shall not apply where the parties have completed the collaborative law process or family mediation that has resulted in a final agreement that is filed with the court.
HB-549: AN ACT relating to the dissolution of marriage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephanie Dietz
To Families & Children (h) on 02/25/2025
AN ACT relating to birth certificates. [HB-395]
Amend KRS 199.570 to allow the names of adopted parents and deceased biological parents to appear on a new birth certificate issued upon adoption if it is requested by the court, adopted parents, or adopted child; direct the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to create a birth certificate form that complies with this section through the promulgation of administrative regulations.
HB-395: AN ACT relating to birth certificates.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Grossl
To Families & Children (h) on 02/12/2025
AN ACT relating to juvenile justice. [SB-111]
Create a new section in KRS Chapter 200 to define terms; establish procedures for a child charged with a public offense to determine if the child is a high acuity youth; establish procedures for securing a treatment plan and dispute resolution through a review process and the court if the parties cannot agree to a plan; require a 24-hour protocol for health facilities, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Department of Juvenile Justice, and the courts to direct care; establish reimbursement rates for inpatient and outpatient psychiatric
SB-111: AN ACT relating to juvenile justice.
Sponsored by: Sen. Danny Carroll
Returned To Judiciary (h) on 03/12/2025
AN ACT relating to orders of protection. [HB-366]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to define specified felony offenses that are a "qualifying offense"; allow lifetime orders of protection for victims of qualifying offenses; allow a court to vacate a lifetime order of protection if the conviction for the qualifying offense is expunged.
HB-366: AN ACT relating to orders of protection.
Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox
To Judiciary (h) on 02/07/2025
AN ACT relating to family impact statements. [HB-248]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to require the Legislative Research Commission to prepare a family impact statement for every bill, concurrent resolution, joint resolution, amendment, or committee substitute introduced during a regular or extraordinary session of the Kentucky General Assembly; define terms; establish procedures.
HB-248: AN ACT relating to family impact statements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Nemes
To State Government (h) on 02/07/2025
AN ACT relating to adoption. [HB-164]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 199 to authorize posthumous adoption; provide that the Act may be cited as Braylon's Law.
HB-164: AN ACT relating to adoption.
Sponsored by: Rep. Billy Wesley
Signed By Governor Acts Ch. 16) on 03/15/2025
AN ACT relating to expiration of protective orders. [SB-54]
Amend KRS 209A.122, relating to data tracking and dissemination, to require the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide the Criminal Justice Statistcal Analysis Center the number of protective orders rescinded under KRS 403.735 and 456.050; amend KRS 403.735 and 456.050, relating to the continuance of protective orders, to extend the time period for expiration from six months to 12 months.
SB-54: AN ACT relating to expiration of protective orders.
Sponsored by: Sen. Casey Chambers Armstrong
To Judiciary (s) on 01/09/2025
AN ACT relating to parental rights. [SB-26]
Amend KRS 199.011 to define "disability"; amend KRS 199.471 to establish that no petition for placement or adoption of children shall be denied on the sole basis of a disability of the adoptive applicant and enhance procedures for determination of placement or adoption; amend KRS 199.473 to require the secretary review any refusal of a placement of a child due to a disability; that targeted adaptive or support services be offered; and that the cabinet retain all documentation for two years; amend KRS 625.050 to establish that no petition for involuntary
SB-26: AN ACT relating to parental rights.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 26) on 03/18/2025
AN ACT relating to court proceedings on petitions for order of protection. [SB-56]
Amend KRS 403.735, relating to continuance of an emergency protective order, to allow the petitioner to be excused from future court appearances until the respondent has been served; amend KRS 456.050, relating to continuance of an interpersonal protective order, to allow the petitioner to be excused from future court appearances until the respondent has been served.
SB-56: AN ACT relating to court proceedings on petitions for order of protection.
Sponsored by: Sen. Casey Chambers Armstrong
To Judiciary (s) on 01/09/2025
AN ACT relating to guardian ad litem fees. [HB-808]
Amend KRS 625.041, 625.080, 625.0405, and 620.100 to increase the maximum fee that can be paid to guardians ad litem and court appointed counsel to $600.
HB-808: AN ACT relating to guardian ad litem fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Flannery
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 03/05/2024
AN ACT relating to educational neglect. [HB-747]
Amend KRS 600.020 to change the definition of "abused and neglected child" to describe educational neglect; amend KRS 620.090 to require that a parent or guardian shall surrender public financial benefits received on behalf of the child when the child is placed outside the home due to educational neglect.
HB-747: AN ACT relating to educational neglect.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Petrie
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/29/2024
AN ACT relating to birth certificates. [HB-633]
Amend KRS 199.570 to allow both the names of adopted parents and biological parents to appear on a new birth certificate issued upon adoption if one or both biological parents are deceased, and it is requested by the court, adopted parents, or adopted child; direct the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to create a birth certificate form that complies with this section through the promulgation of administrative regulations.
HB-633: AN ACT relating to birth certificates.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ruth Palumbo
Introduced In House on 02/21/2024
AN ACT relating to parental rights. [HB-560]
Amend KRS 620.050 to require that upon initial contact with a family, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services must advise a parent of his or her rights both orally and in writing; outline those rights; provide an exception to the requirement that the parent be advised immediately upon initial contact if there are exigent circumstances; amend KRS 620.055 to conform.
HB-560: AN ACT relating to parental rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox
Introduced In House on 02/15/2024
AN ACT relating to neglect and abuse. [SB-207]
Amend KRS 620.080 to require the Commonwealth to bear the burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence in a temporary removal hearing; remove the admissibility of hearsay evidence in a temporary removal hearing; amend KRS 620.090 to provide that the issuance of an order for a temporary removal if the burden of proof is met is permissive and not mandatory.
SB-207: AN ACT relating to neglect and abuse.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To Judiciary (s) on 02/16/2024