Child Support Enforcement - Occupational and Recreational Licenses - Taxpayer Identification Number [HB-136]
Altering the duties of certain licensing authorities in provisions of law relating to the suspension or denial of a license due to child support arrearages to provide for the disclosure of the taxpayer identification number of a licensee or an applicant for a license if the licensee or applicant does not have a Social Security number.
HB-136: Child Support Enforcement - Occupational and Recreational Licenses - Taxpayer Identification Number
Sponsored by: Rep. David Moon
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/31/2023
Criminal Procedure – Petition to Modify or Reduce Sentence (Maryland Second Look Act) [SB-842]
Authorizing a person who is serving a term of confinement to petition a court to modify or reduce the sentence under certain circumstances; providing that a certain petitioner is entitled to assistance of counsel and, if indigent, representation by the Office of the Public Defender; etc.
SB-842: Criminal Procedure – Petition to Modify or Reduce Sentence (Maryland Second Look Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 3/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2022
Courts of Appeals and Special Appeals - Renaming [SB-666]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to change the name of the Court of Appeals to be the Supreme Court of Maryland, to change the name of the Court of Special Appeals to be the Appellate Court of Maryland, to change the name of a Judge of the Court of Appeals to be a Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, and to change the name of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland; submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection; etc.
SB-666: Courts of Appeals and Special Appeals - Renaming
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Approved By The Governor, Assigned A Chapter Number, Enactment Subject To Constitutional Referendum - Chapter 82 on 04/13/2021
Courts of Appeals and Special Appeals – Renaming [HB-885]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to change the name of the Court of Appeals to be the Supreme Court of Maryland, to change the name of the Court of Special Appeals to be the Appellate Court of Maryland, to change the name of a Judge of the Court of Appeals to be a Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, and to change the name of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland; submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection; etc.
HB-885: Courts of Appeals and Special Appeals – Renaming
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Watson
Approved By The Governor, Assigned A Chapter Number, Enactment Subject To Constitutional Referendum - Chapter 83 on 04/13/2021
Judges – Selection and Retention [HB-35]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to provide for retention elections for judges of the circuit courts; proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution decreasing the term of office from 15 years to 12 years for the judges of the circuit courts; proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to increase the number of years between successive retention elections for judges of the Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals; submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State; etc.
HB-35: Judges – Selection and Retention
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Hearing 2/24 At 1:30 P.m. (judiciary) on 01/15/2021
Real Property - Wrongful Detainer and Distress Actions - Trial by Jury [SB-226]
Authorizing a party to a certain wrongful detainer or distress action brought in the District Court to demand a trial by jury in accordance with certain provisions of law, subject to certain provisions of law; and making certain provisions of law regarding jury demands applicable to wrongful detainer actions.
SB-226: Real Property - Wrongful Detainer and Distress Actions - Trial by Jury
Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Cassilly
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 550 on 05/08/2018
Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals - Renaming [SB-595]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to change the name of the Court of Appeals to be the Supreme Court of Maryland, to change the name of the Court of Special Appeals to be the Maryland Appellate Court, to change the name of a Judge of the Court of Appeals to be a Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, and to change the name of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland; etc.
SB-595: Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals - Renaming
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Hearing 2/28 At 12:00 P.m. on 02/21/2019
Circuit Court Judges - Election [SB-246]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution relating to the selection and tenure of circuit court judges; altering the method of filling vacancies in the office of a judge of a circuit court; providing for retention elections following an appointment to fill a vacancy in the office of a judge of a circuit court; providing for a transitional period under which the terms of certain amendments are to become effective; submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection; etc.
SB-246: Circuit Court Judges - Election
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/04/2019
Election Law - Election Calendar and Processes - Revisions [SB-1004]
Altering the date by which the Clerk of the Court of Appeals and the Clerk of the Court of Special Appeals must provide a certain notice to the State Board of Elections; repealing the requirement that the Anne Arundel County Board of Education provide a certain notice to the State Board; altering the deadline for the filing of a certain certificate of candidacy; altering the deadline for the filing of a certain petition to challenge a certain candidate's residency; etc.
SB-1004: Election Law - Election Calendar and Processes - Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Pinsky
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 770 on 05/25/2019
Judicial Elections - Retention and Frequency [HB-487]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to increase the number of years between successive retention elections for judges of the Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals from 10 years to 12 years; proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to provide for a retention election for a Judge of the Circuit Court; submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection; etc.
HB-487: Judicial Elections - Retention and Frequency
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/29/2019
Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals - Renaming [HB-1329]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to change the name of the Court of Appeals to be the Supreme Court of Maryland, to change the name of the Court of Special Appeals to be the Maryland Appellate Court, to change the name of a Judge of the Court of Appeals to be a Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, and to change the name of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland; etc.
HB-1329: Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals - Renaming
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson
Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/26/2019
Criminal Procedure - Petition for Writ of Actual Innocence - Appeal Right [SB-971]
Providing that a person aggrieved by an order on a petition for writ of actual innocence, including the Attorney General and a State's Attorney, may appeal to the Court of Special Appeals; requiring the appeal to be in a form set by the Maryland Rules; and providing that the court may stay the order and set bail under specified circumstances.
SB-971: Criminal Procedure - Petition for Writ of Actual Innocence - Appeal Right
Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Cassilly
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2016
Frederick County - Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements - Administrative Appeals [SB-859]
Authorizing, in Frederick County, a person aggrieved by a development rights and responsibilities agreement to file an administrative appeal; providing that if an agreement was entered into before July 1, 2016, a person aggrieved by an amendment to the agreement may not file an administrative appeal and may seek direct judicial review under specified circumstances; providing that a party may appeal to the Court of Special Appeals and thereafter may petition the Court of Appeals for a writ of certiorari under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-859: Frederick County - Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements - Administrative Appeals
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Young
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 442 on 05/10/2016
Criminal Procedure - Victim's Right to Restitution - Appeal [SB-187]
Authorizing a specified victim to file an application for leave to appeal to the Court of Special Appeals from an interlocutory order or appeal to the Court of Special Appeals from a final order that denies or fails to consider the victim's right to restitution after the filing of a specified motion requesting relief under a specified provision of law.
SB-187: Criminal Procedure - Victim's Right to Restitution - Appeal
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 540 on 05/19/2016
Criminal Procedure - Victim's Right to Restitution - Appeal [HB-659]
Authorizing a specified victim to file an application for leave to appeal to the Court of Special Appeals from an interlocutory order or appeal to the Court of Special Appeals from a final order that denies or fails to consider the victim's right to restitution after the filing of a specified motion requesting relief under a specified provision of law.
HB-659: Criminal Procedure - Victim's Right to Restitution - Appeal
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 541 on 05/19/2016
Frederick County - Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements - Administrative Appeals [HB-605]
Authorizing, in Frederick County, a person aggrieved by a development rights and responsibilities agreement to file an administrative appeal; providing that if an agreement was entered into before July 1, 2016, a person aggrieved by an amendment to the agreement may not file an administrative appeal and may seek direct judicial review under specified circumstances; providing that a party may appeal to the Court of Special Appeals and thereafter may petition the Court of Appeals for a writ of certiorari under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-605: Frederick County - Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements - Administrative Appeals
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 443 on 05/10/2016
Criminal Procedure - Petition for Writ of Actual Innocence - Appeal Right [HB-1202]
Providing that a person aggrieved by an order on a petition for writ of actual innocence, including the Attorney General and a State's Attorney, may appeal to the Court of Special Appeals; requiring the appeal to be in a form set by the Maryland Rules; and providing that the court may stay the order and set bail under specified circumstances.
HB-1202: Criminal Procedure - Petition for Writ of Actual Innocence - Appeal Right
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Malone
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/07/2016
Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding [SB-64]
Requiring the State Court Administrator to assess a surcharge on specified fees, charges, and costs in specified cases in the Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals, and circuit courts; requiring the Chief Judge of the District Court to assess a surcharge in specified civil cases that may not be more than $3 per summary ejectment case and $8 per case for specified civil cases; and requiring the surcharges to be deposited in the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund.
SB-64: Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/12/2015
Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding [HB-54]
Requiring the State Court Administrator to assess a surcharge on specified fees, charges, and costs in specified cases in the Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals, and circuit courts; requiring the Chief Judge of the District Court to assess a surcharge in specified civil cases that may not be more than $3 per summary ejectment case and $8 per case for specified civil cases; and requiring the surcharges to be deposited in the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund.
HB-54: Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding
Sponsored by: Rep.
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 488 on 05/30/2015