HB-276: Consumer protection, requires social media platforms terminate certain accounts, display notifications, prohibit certain actions, use age verification, provide certain tools, remove certain content, penalties provided for violations
Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Robbins
Read For The First Time And Referred To The House Committee On Children And Senior Advocacy on 02/13/2025
You have voted HB-276: Consumer protection, requires social media platforms terminate certain accounts, display notifications, prohibit certain actions, use age verification, provide certain tools, remove certain content, penalties provided for violations.
Relating to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act [HB-2356]
The purpose of this bill is to establish the Telephone Consumer Protection Act; defining terms; establishing exclusions; establishing conduct that is prohibited under the article; and setting forth violations.
HB-2356: Relating to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. David Kelly
Markup Discussion on 03/07/2025
HB-2747: Relating to requiring certain health care entities to submit notice of material change transactions to the attorney general and the attorney general's authority to conduct certain related studies; imposing civil and administrative penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Frank
Read First Time on 03/18/2025
You have voted HB-2747: Relating to requiring certain health care entities to submit notice of material change transactions to the attorney general and the attorney general's authority to conduct certain related studies; imposing civil and administrative penalties..
Creating E-cigarette and E-cigarette Liquid Directory [SB-93]
The purpose of this bill is to establish the E-cigarette and E-cigarette Liquid Directory. The bill requires all manufacturers to obtain marketing authorization from the United States Food and Drug Administration before engaging in consumer sales in West Virginia. Manufacturers must also apply to the State Tax Commissioner and State Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner and obtain approval from such agencies to be listed on the directory before engaging in consumer sales. Finally, the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner and the Tax Commissioner
SB-93: Creating E-cigarette and E-cigarette Liquid Directory
Sponsored by: Sen. Patricia Rucker
Filed For Introduction on 02/12/2025
Clarifying requirements and compensation when assisting persons apply for VA benefits in certain circumstances [SB-36]
The purpose of this bill is to define veterans' benefits matters and identify actions that constitute representation and compensation for representing a person seeking veterans' benefits. The bill requires that any such representation comply with federal law; that a violation of this section is an unlawful practice and a violation of West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act.
SB-36: Clarifying requirements and compensation when assisting persons apply for VA benefits in certain circumstances
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Clements
Filed For Introduction on 02/12/2025