Sales and use tax exemption; data centers. [SB-192]
Sales and use tax exemption; data centers. Requires data center operators to meet certain energy efficiency standards in order to be eligible for the sales and use tax exemption for data center purchases. Under the bill, a data center operator shall be eligible for the exemption only if such operator demonstrates that (i) its facilities either (a) have a power usage effectiveness score of no greater than 1.2 or (b) for data centers co-located in buildings with other commercial uses, achieve an energy efficiency level of no less than the most efficient
SB-192: Sales and use tax exemption; data centers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Favola
Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/19/2024
Stormwater management regulations; enterprise data center operations. [SB-289]
Stormwater management regulations; enterprise data center operations. Directs the State Water Control Board to adopt regulations that require certain stormwater management techniques for land disturbances related to the construction, expansion, or operation of an enterprise data center operation, as defined in the bill, that is located within one mile of any land owned or operated as a unit of the National Park Service or designated as a Virginia State Park or state forest.
SB-289: Stormwater management regulations; enterprise data center operations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Danica Roem
Left In Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources on 11/18/2024
Retail Sales and Use tax; exemption for data centers. [HB-116]
Sales and use tax exemption; data centers. Requires data center operators to meet certain energy efficiency standards in order to be eligible for the sales and use tax exemption for data center purchases. Under the bill, a data center operator shall be eligible for the exemption only if such operator demonstrates that (i) its facilities either (a) have a power usage effectiveness score of no greater than 1.2 or (b) for data centers co-located in buildings with other commercial uses, achieve an energy efficiency level of no less than the most efficient
HB-116: Retail Sales and Use tax; exemption for data centers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Sullivan
Left In Finance on 11/18/2024
Courthouses; website posting of notices. [HB-1338]
Courthouse and website posting of notices. Provides that if any notice, summons, order, or other official document of any type is required to be posted pursuant to a provision of the Code on or at the front door of a courthouse or on a public bulletin board at a courthouse, it shall constitute compliance with this requirement if such document is (i) posted on the public government website of the locality served by the court or the website of any court, court clerk, sheriff, or commissioner of accounts of the locality or (ii) posted with such other
HB-1338: Courthouses; website posting of notices.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0655) on 04/08/2024
Computer trespass; Class 6 felony if committed against any elementary and secondary schools. [SB-442]
Computer trespass; elementary and secondary schools; school board; penalty. Makes it a Class 6 felony for the offense of computer trespass when such offense is committed against any public, private, or religious elementary or secondary school or any school board. Computer trespass; elementary and secondary schools; school board; penalty. Makes it a Class 6 felony for the offense of computer trespass when such offense is committed against any public, private, or religious elementary or secondary school or any school board.
SB-442: Computer trespass; Class 6 felony if committed against any elementary and secondary schools.
Sponsored by: Sen. Tara Durant
Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/05/2024
Stormwater management regulations; enterprise data center operations. [SB-289]
Stormwater management regulations; enterprise data center operations. Directs the State Water Control Board to adopt regulations that require certain stormwater management techniques for land disturbances related to the construction, expansion, or operation of an enterprise data center operation, as defined in the bill, that is located within one mile of any land owned or operated as a unit of the National Park Service or designated as a Virginia State Park or state forest.
SB-289: Stormwater management regulations; enterprise data center operations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Danica Roem
Continued To 2025 In Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources (10-y 5-n) on 01/23/2024
Alcoholic beverage control; advertisements. [SB-182]
Alcoholic beverage control; advertisements. Directs the Board of Directors of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority to promulgate regulations that prescribe the terms and conditions under which manufacturers, brokers, importers, and wholesalers may advertise and promote alcoholic beverages via the Internet, social media, direct-to-consumer electronic communication, or other electronic means.
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements. [SB-157]
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications; requirements. Provides that, where any ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement is required by law to be published in a newspaper, such ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement instead may be published in an online-only news publication subject to certain requirements specified in the bill. The bill sets out a process by which an online-only news publication shall petition the circuit court of the appropriate jurisdiction to publish such ordinances, resolutions, notices,
SB-157: Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0341) on 04/02/2024
Sales and use tax exemption; data centers. [SB-192]
Sales and use tax exemption; data centers. Requires data center operators to meet certain energy efficiency standards in order to be eligible for the sales and use tax exemption for data center purchases. Under the bill, a data center operator shall be eligible for the exemption only if such operator demonstrates that (i) its facilities either (a) have a power usage effectiveness score of no greater than 1.2 or (b) for data centers co-located in buildings with other commercial uses, achieve an energy efficiency level of no less than the most efficient
SB-192: Sales and use tax exemption; data centers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Favola
Continued To 2025 In Finance And Appropriations (14-y 1-n) on 01/30/2024
Internet Safety Advisory Council; extends sunset date. [HB-547]
Internet Safety Advisory Council; school boards; Internet safety education program. Extends from July 1, 2024, to July 1, 2025, the sunset date for the Internet Safety Advisory Council. The bill requires each school board, after considering the model policy, instructional practices, curricula, and other teacher resources that are developed, recommended, or designed by the Internet Safety Advisory Council, to adopt policies (i) requiring all elementary and secondary schools in the local school division to provide an Internet safety education program
HB-547: Internet Safety Advisory Council; extends sunset date.
Alcoholic beverage control; advertisements. [HB-522]
Alcoholic beverage control; advertisements. Directs the Board of Directors of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority to promulgate regulations that prescribe the terms and conditions under which manufacturers, brokers, importers, and wholesalers may advertise and promote alcoholic beverages via the Internet, social media, direct-to-consumer electronic communication, or other electronic means.
Harassment by computer or other electronic means; civil action. [HB-487]
Harassment by computer or other electronic means; civil action. Creates a civil cause of action for an individual injured by a person who coerces, intimidates, or harasses such individual by computer or other electronic means, regardless of whether such person has been charged with or convicted of a corresponding criminal violation. The bill provides that such injured individual may recover for damages caused by such coercion, intimidation, or harassment and reasonable attorney fees and costs.
HB-487: Harassment by computer or other electronic means; civil action.
Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Garrett
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
Broadband access in farmland and rural areas; information and reporting. [HB-382]
Broadband access in farmland and rural areas; information and reporting. Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to create and maintain, in consultation with the Commonwealth Broadband Chief Advisor, the Broadband Advisory Council, and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, an interactive tool or application to provide current information on connectivity and broadband access in rural areas of the Commonwealth and on farmland in the Commonwealth and permits such tool or application to be incorporated into the Department's
HB-382: Broadband access in farmland and rural areas; information and reporting.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Helmer
Left In Appropriations on 02/13/2024
Siting of data centers; impacts on resources and historically significant sites. [HB-337]
Siting of data centers; impacts on resources and historically significant sites. Provides that any local government land use application required for the siting of a data center shall only be approved in areas where the data center will (i) have a minimal impact on historic, agricultural, and cultural resources and (ii) not be within one-half mile of a national park, state park, or other historically significant site.
HB-337: Siting of data centers; impacts on resources and historically significant sites.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Thomas
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 02/13/2024
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements. [HB-264]
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications; requirements. Provides that, where any ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement is required by law to be published in a newspaper, such ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement instead may be published in an online-only news publication subject to certain requirements specified in the bill. The bill sets out a process by which an online-only news publication shall petition the circuit court of the appropriate jurisdiction to publish such ordinances, resolutions, notices,
HB-264: Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0277) on 04/02/2024
Retail Sales and Use tax; exemption for data centers. [HB-116]
Sales and use tax exemption; data centers. Requires data center operators to meet certain energy efficiency standards in order to be eligible for the sales and use tax exemption for data center purchases. Under the bill, a data center operator shall be eligible for the exemption only if such operator demonstrates that (i) its facilities either (a) have a power usage effectiveness score of no greater than 1.2 or (b) for data centers co-located in buildings with other commercial uses, achieve an energy efficiency level of no less than the most efficient
HB-116: Retail Sales and Use tax; exemption for data centers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Sullivan
Continued To 2025 With Amendment(s) In Finance By Voice Vote on 02/07/2024
Administration of state government; prohibited applications and websites. [SB-1459]
Administration of state government; prohibited applications and websites. Prohibits any employee or agent of any public body or person or entity contracting with any such public body from downloading or using any application, including TikTok or WeChat, or accessing any website developed by ByteDance Ltd. or Tencent Holdings Ltd. (i) on any government-issued device or government-owned or government-leased equipment, including mobile phones, desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, or other devices capable of connecting to the Internet, or (ii)
SB-1459: Administration of state government; prohibited applications and websites.
Sponsored by: Sen. Emmett Hanger
Bill Text As Passed Senate And House Reprinted (sb1459er2) on 04/12/2023
State correctional facilities; electronic communication systems, free telephone calls. [SB-1274]
Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; free telephone calls and communication services. Requires the Department of Corrections to provide telephone systems and web-based or electronic communications systems free of charge to any person, whether such person is initiating or receiving the communication. Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; free telephone calls and communication services. Requires the Department of Corrections to provide telephone systems and web-based or electronic
SB-1274: State correctional facilities; electronic communication systems, free telephone calls.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Tabled In Appropriations (11-y 10-n) on 02/13/2023