Maryland Commission for Men's Health - Reestablishment [HB-1552]
Reestablishing the Maryland Commission for Men's Health in the Maryland Department of Health to develop strategies and programs, including community outreach and public-private partnerships, to raise awareness of men's health issues, encourage the participation of men in healthy behaviors such as regular checkups, and reduce disparities in morbidity rates in certain populations; and requiring the Commission to report annually by September 30 to the Governor and the General Assembly.
HB-1552: Maryland Commission for Men's Health - Reestablishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Greg Wims
Hearing Canceled on 03/13/2025
Prior Authorizations of State Debt - Alterations [HB-1519]
Amending certain prior authorizations of State Debt to change the names of certain grantees, alter the authorized uses of certain grants, and extend the termination date of certain grants.
HB-1519: Prior Authorizations of State Debt - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/04/2025
Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council - Establishment [SB-1027]
Establishing the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council to advise and provide recommendations to the Developmental Disabilities Administration on system design, service delivery, and quality enhancement strategies for the Medicaid waiver programs operated by the Administration.
SB-1027: Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/17/2025
State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency and Individuals With Disabilities [HB-1473]
Altering provisions of law relating to equal access to public services for individuals with limited English proficiency to include individuals with disabilities; establishing certain requirements for equal access to public services for certain State departments, agencies, and programs, including developing a language access plan; requiring the Governor's Office of Immigrant Affairs to oversee, monitor, investigate, and enforce certain provisions of law; etc.
HB-1473: State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency and Individuals With Disabilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Favorable With Amendments Report By Health And Government Operations on 03/15/2025
You have voted HB-1473: State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency and Individuals With Disabilities.
Maryland Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports - Workgroup and Study [HB-1305]
Requiring the Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports to convene a workgroup to study the effectiveness of the framework for community supports partnerships in meeting the needs of local school systems and equitable distribution of grant funding across the State; requiring the workgroup to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly by December 1, 2025; and prohibiting the Consortium from awarding grants in fiscal year 2026.
HB-1305: Maryland Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports - Workgroup and Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
Hearing Canceled on 03/05/2025
Public Health - Report on Establishing a Directory of Home Health Care Providers [HB-1478]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to establish and maintain an online directory of each home health care provider; and requiring that the directory allow an individual to search the directory and identify a home health care provider based on specified criteria.
HB-1478: Public Health - Report on Establishing a Directory of Home Health Care Providers
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Favorable With Amendments Report By Health And Government Operations on 03/15/2025
Sickle Cell Disease - Institutions of Higher Education - Policies, Procedures, and Educational Campaigns [HB-1352]
Prohibiting an institution of higher education from denying access or services to a student based on the student's diagnosis of sickle cell disease; requiring an institution of higher education to provide reasonable accommodations for students with sickle cell disease; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to develop an education and awareness campaign for institutions of higher education in the State regarding students with sickle cell disease; etc.
HB-1352: Sickle Cell Disease - Institutions of Higher Education - Policies, Procedures, and Educational Campaigns
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (139-0) on 03/13/2025
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs - Discharge of Patients and Referral Services - Standards [HB-1289]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to establish by regulation standards relating to the discharge of patients from drug and alcohol treatment programs and certain referral services offered to patients by certain drug and alcohol treatment programs; and requiring the Department to submit a report on the status of the adoption and revision of regulations to implement the requirements of the Act and Chapter 580 of 2017, and a plan for the enforcement of the statutory and regulatory requirements under the Act and Chapter 580 of 2017.
HB-1289: Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs - Discharge of Patients and Referral Services - Standards
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
Hearing Canceled on 03/05/2025
Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council - Establishment [HB-1244]
Establishing the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council to advise and provide recommendations to the Developmental Disabilities Administration on system design, service delivery, and quality enhancement strategies for the Medicaid waiver programs operated by the Administration.
HB-1244: Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (139-1) on 03/14/2025
Public Health - Sickle Cell Disease - Specialized Clinics and Scholarship Program for Medical Residents [HB-1306]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to establish certain specialized clinics for the management and treatment of sickle cell disease and establish a scholarship program for medical residents who specialize in benign or classical hematology with a focus on sickle cell disease; and requiring the Governor for fiscal year 2027 to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $6,000,000 to support clinic operations, staffing, training, and social support services.
HB-1306: Public Health - Sickle Cell Disease - Specialized Clinics and Scholarship Program for Medical Residents
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Hearing Canceled on 03/08/2025
Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments [HB-1062]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to coordinate, in coordination with the Department of Information Technology and the Maryland Department of Emergency Management, cybersecurity efforts within community water systems and community sewerage systems; establishing the roles and responsibilities of various State agencies with respect to regulating, assessing, and promoting cybersecurity efforts within the water and wastewater sector; etc.
HB-1062: Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrea Harrison
First Reading Environment And Transportation And Health And Government Operations on 02/05/2025
Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Workgroups [HB-1066]
Altering the membership of the Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access; requiring the Commission to establish a workgroup on the improvement of health, social, and economic outcomes related to substance use; and requiring the workgroup to submit an annual report and recommendations.
HB-1066: Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Workgroups
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (110-30) on 03/14/2025
HB-1083: Behavioral Health Advisory Council and the Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Plan to Implement Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (139-0) on 03/14/2025
You have voted HB-1083: Behavioral Health Advisory Council and the Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Plan to Implement Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Requirements.
Public Health - Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group - Establishment [HB-1142]
Establishing the Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group to ensure adequate access to applicable home- and community-based services and the existence of an adequate direct care workforce in the State; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to provide certain support to the Advisory Group; and requiring by September 1 each year beginning in 2026, the Advisory Group to report its activities to the Governor and the General Assembly addressing recommendations for increasing Medicaid payment rates.
HB-1142: Public Health - Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (136-2) on 03/14/2025
Public Health - Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group - Establishment [SB-920]
Establishing the Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group to ensure adequate access to applicable home- and community-based services, and the existence of an adequate direct care workforce in the State; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to provide certain support to the Advisory Group; and requiring by September 1 each year, beginning in 2026, the Advisory Group to report its activities and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly addressing recommendations for increasing Medicaid payment rates; etc.
SB-920: Public Health - Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Gile
Hearing 3/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025
Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments [SB-871]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to coordinate, in coordination with the Department of Information Technology and the Maryland Department of Emergency Management, cybersecurity efforts within community water systems and community sewerage systems; establishing the roles and responsibilities of various State agencies with respect to regulating, assessing, and promoting cybersecurity efforts within the water and wastewater sector; etc.
SB-871: Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Favorable With Amendments Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/14/2025
SB-790: Behavioral Health Advisory Council and the Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Plan to Implement Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Malcolm Augustine
Referred Health And Government Operations on 03/15/2025
You have voted SB-790: Behavioral Health Advisory Council and the Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Plan to Implement Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Requirements.