AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 38, relative to investigations of certain events. [SB-2937]
As introduced, requires the medical examiner's office or regional forensic center to ascertain and document current psychotropic drug use, and prescription drug use from the past 10 years, by a deceased individual who died under suspicious, unusual, or unnatural circumstances, and any blood, tissue, or other tests as necessary; requires the medical examiner’s office to disclose the psychotropic drug use of the individual to the public, to ensure accurate vital statistics relating to homicides and suicides. - Amends TCA Title 38.
SB-2937: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 38, relative to investigations of certain events.
Sponsored by: Sen. Rusty Crowe
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Health & Welfare Committee on 03/27/2024
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 38, relative to investigations of certain events. [HB-2933]
As introduced, requires the medical examiner's office or regional forensic center to ascertain and document current psychotropic drug use, and prescription drug use from the past 10 years, by a deceased individual who died under suspicious, unusual, or unnatural circumstances, and any blood, tissue, or other tests as necessary; requires the medical examiner’s office to disclose the psychotropic drug use of the individual to the public, to ensure accurate vital statistics relating to homicides and suicides. - Amends TCA Title 38.
HB-2933: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 38, relative to investigations of certain events.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Littleton
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Health Subcommittee Of Health Committee on 03/27/2024
You have voted SB-2020: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime..
You have voted HB-1695: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime..
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime. [SB-7090]
As introduced, specifies that reports of county medical examiners and autopsy reports of victims of violent crime who are minors are not public documents; allows a parent or legal guardian of a minor victim of a violent crime to consent to the release of the report of the county medical examiner or autopsy report of the minor victim if the parent or legal guardian is not a suspect in the circumstances of the minor's death. - Amends TCA Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40.
SB-7090: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Johnson
Lay On The Table on 08/23/2023
You have voted SB-7090: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime..
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime. [HB-7007]
As introduced, specifies that reports of county medical examiners and autopsy reports of victims of violent crime who are minors are not public documents; allows a parent or legal guardian of a minor victim of a violent crime to consent to the release of the report of the county medical examiner or autopsy report of the minor victim if the parent or legal guardian is not a suspect in the circumstances of the minor's death. - Amends TCA Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40.
HB-7007: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime.
Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Marsh
Received From House, Passed On First Consideration on 08/28/2023
You have voted HB-7007: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 7; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40, relative to minor victims of violent crime..
HB-4883: Relating to reimbursing a commissioners court and certain individuals for the reasonable costs of transporting a body for the purpose of an autopsy.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond
Read First Time on 03/23/2023
You have voted HB-4883: Relating to reimbursing a commissioners court and certain individuals for the reasonable costs of transporting a body for the purpose of an autopsy..
SB-2040: Relating to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of willed body programs to the Texas Funeral Service Commission, the regulation of willed body programs, non-transplant anatomical donation organizations, and anatomical facilities, and the creation of the State Anatomical Advisory Committee; requiring registration; authorizing fees; authorizing an administrative penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer
Effective On 9/1/23 on 06/18/2023
You have voted SB-2040: Relating to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of willed body programs to the Texas Funeral Service Commission, the regulation of willed body programs, non-transplant anatomical donation organizations, and anatomical facilities, and the creation of the State Anatomical Advisory Committee; requiring registration; authorizing fees; authorizing an administrative penalty..
HB-1510: Relating to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of willed body programs to the Texas Funeral Service Commission, the regulation of willed body programs, non-transplant anatomical donation organizations, and anatomical facilities, and the creation of the State Anatomical Advisory Committee; requiring registration; authorizing fees; authorizing an administrative penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Travis Clardy
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/13/2023
You have voted HB-1510: Relating to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of willed body programs to the Texas Funeral Service Commission, the regulation of willed body programs, non-transplant anatomical donation organizations, and anatomical facilities, and the creation of the State Anatomical Advisory Committee; requiring registration; authorizing fees; authorizing an administrative penalty..
Public Health - Chief Medical Examiner - Corrections to Autopsy Findings and Conclusions [HB-863]
Altering, from 60 days to 180 days, the time period after a medical examiner files findings and conclusions resulting from an autopsy during which a person in interest may request the medical examiner to correct findings and conclusions on the cause and manner of death recorded on a certificate of death.
HB-863: Public Health - Chief Medical Examiner - Corrections to Autopsy Findings and Conclusions
Sponsored by: Rep. Juanita Bartlett
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 296 on 05/03/2023