Relating To Asbestos. [SB-1182]
Requires the Department of Health to conduct a study on possible means by which the State can reduce the number of single-family dwellings that contain asbestos. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds.
SB-1182: Relating To Asbestos.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, Virginia Board for; dust sampling technicians, renovators. [SB-560]
Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors; dust sampling technicians, renovators, and accredited renovation training programs. Removes the responsibility of the Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors to promulgate regulations concerning dust sampling technicians, renovators, and accredited renovation training programs.
SB-560: Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, Virginia Board for; dust sampling technicians, renovators.
Sponsored by: Sen. Travis Hackworth
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0094) on 03/14/2024
Asbestos and lead project permit; usage of licensing fees. [HB-1215]
Department of Labor and Industry; asbestos and lead project permit; usage of licensing fees. Provides that fees collected by the Department of Labor and Industry paid by licensed asbestos and certified lead contractors for obtaining asbestos and lead project permits are to be used by the Department in carrying out its mission under the Virginia Asbestos NESHAP Act.
HB-1215: Asbestos and lead project permit; usage of licensing fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Geary Higgins
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0473) on 04/04/2024
Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, Virginia Board for; dust sampling technicians, renovators. [HB-1005]
Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors; dust sampling technicians, renovators, and accredited renovation training programs. Removes the responsibility of the Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors to promulgate regulations concerning dust sampling technicians, renovators, and accredited renovation training programs.
HB-1005: Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, Virginia Board for; dust sampling technicians, renovators.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Owen
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0093) on 03/14/2024
Condominiums - Sales Contracts - Asbestos Disclosure [HB-143]
Establishing the unenforceability of contracts for the sale of condominium units that do not contain a statement by the vendor or unit owner as to whether the vendor or unit owner has actual knowledge of the presence of asbestos in the condominium, including a description of the location of the asbestos, whether abatement has been performed, and the date of any abatement.
Condominiums - Sales Contracts - Asbestos Disclosure [SB-46]
Establishing the unenforceability of contracts for the sale of condominium units that do not contain a statement by the vendor or the unit owner as to whether the vendor or owner has actual knowledge of the presence of asbestos in the condominium, including a description of the location of the asbestos, whether abatement has been performed in the condominium, and the date of any abatement.
You have voted SR-64: Requesting The University Of Hawaii To Conduct A Study Relating To Asbestos Prevalence And Abatement In Residential Properties In The State..
You have voted SCR-71: Requesting The University Of Hawaii To Conduct A Study Relating To Asbestos Prevalence And Abatement In Residential Properties In The State..
Relating To Asbestos. [SB-1182]
Requires the Department of Health to conduct a study on possible means by which the State can reduce the number of single-family dwellings that contain asbestos. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds.
SB-1182: Relating To Asbestos.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Referred To Hhs, Wam. on 01/27/2023
Relating To Asbestos. [SB-228]
Clarifies that work practice standards and notification requirements for the demolition and renovation of facilities containing asbestos apply to single-family residences. Requires the Department of Health to amend its administrative rules in accordance with this Act.
SB-228: Relating To Asbestos.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Carried Over To 2022 Regular Session. on 12/10/2021
Relating To Asbestos. [SB-228]
Clarifies that work practice standards and notification requirements for the demolition and renovation of facilities containing asbestos apply to single-family residences. Requires the Department of Health to amend its administrative rules in accordance with this Act.
SB-228: Relating To Asbestos.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Referred To Hth, Cpn. on 01/25/2021
Public Safety - Demolition Work - Safety Provisions and Permitting [HB-880]
Requiring a contractor to obtain a permit for demolition work in a specified manner; requiring a specified contractor to obtain a demolition permit from the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; requiring the demolition permit applicant to submit a specified application to the Department and pay a specified fee to the Department; requiring the Department to adopt regulations; etc.
HB-880: Public Safety - Demolition Work - Safety Provisions and Permitting
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/08/2016