Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website. [SB-200]
Advertisement of legal notices; website. Allows a locality to advertise legal notices on the locality's website instead of, or in addition to, publishing such notices in a newspaper having general circulation in the locality.
SB-200: Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website.
Sponsored by: Sen. J.D. Diggs
Left In Local Government on 11/19/2024
Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website. [SB-200]
Advertisement of legal notices; website. Allows a locality to advertise legal notices on the locality's website instead of, or in addition to, publishing such notices in a newspaper having general circulation in the locality.
SB-200: Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website.
Sponsored by: Sen. J.D. Diggs
Continued To 2025 In Local Government (13-y 2-n) on 01/22/2024
Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website. [HB-229]
Advertisement of legal notices; website. Allows a locality to advertise legal notices on the locality's website instead of, or in addition to, publishing such notices in a newspaper having general circulation in the locality.
HB-229: Legal notices; locality to advertise on their website.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ellen Campbell
Stricken From Docket By Counties, Cities And Towns (21-y 0-n) on 02/09/2024
Marijuana; advertising restrictions, penalties. [HB-2428]
Marijuana; advertising restrictions; penalties. Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to advertise in or send any advertising matter into the Commonwealth regarding marijuana, marijuana products, or any substance containing a synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol or synthetic derivative of tetrahydrocannabinol other than those that may be legally sold in the Commonwealth. The bill provides that for violations of certain distance and zoning restrictions on outdoor advertising, as set forth in the bill, the Board of Directors of the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Marijuana; advertising restrictions, penalties. [SB-1233]
Marijuana; advertising restrictions; penalties. Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to advertise in or send any advertising matter into the Commonwealth regarding marijuana, marijuana products, or any substance containing a synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol or synthetic derivative of tetrahydrocannabinol other than those that may be legally sold in the Commonwealth. The bill provides that for violations of certain distance and zoning restrictions on outdoor advertising, as set forth in the bill, the Board of Directors of the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Elections; political campaign advertisements, violations, civil penalties not to exceed $25,000. [HB-125]
Elections; political campaign advertisements; illegal negative ads; civil penalties. Provides that sponsors violating political campaign advertisement disclosure laws with advertisements or campaign telephone calls are subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000. Elections; political campaign advertisements; illegal negative ads; civil penalties. Provides that sponsors violating political campaign advertisement disclosure laws with advertisements or campaign telephone calls are subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000.
HB-125: Elections; political campaign advertisements, violations, civil penalties not to exceed $25,000.
Sponsored by: Rep. Glenn Davis
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0744) on 04/27/2022
Legal notices; advertisement by localities. [SB-472]
Advertisement of legal notices by localities. Allows localities to meet certain notice requirements by utilizing their websites, radio, or television rather than being limited to a newspaper of general circulation.
SB-472: Legal notices; advertisement by localities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Smith
Passed By Indefinitely In Local Government (12-y 3-n) on 02/04/2014
Billboard signs; adjustment or relocation. [SB-295]
Adjustment or relocation of billboard signs. Includes the erection of a sound barrier as an action that allows relocation of a billboard sign. The bill also allows a billboard to remain in its original location until the Commissioner of Highways or other condemnor gives notice to its owner that the sign must be removed.
SB-295: Billboard signs; adjustment or relocation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Phillip Puckett
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0298) on 03/24/2014
Notaries; if not accredited to represent persons in immigration proceedings, shall not offer advice. [HB-492]
Notaries; providing advice on immigration; advertising. Prohibits a notary public from offering or providing legal advice to any person in immigration or other legal matters or representing any person in immigration proceedings unless such notary public is an attorney or a federally accredited representative. The bill also restricts misleading notary advertising in languages other than English. The bill also provides for civil penalties and revocation of the notary commission for such unauthorized advertising.
HB-492: Notaries; if not accredited to represent persons in immigration proceedings, shall not offer advice.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Albo
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0783) on 04/23/2014
Billboard signs; adjustment or relocation. [HB-377]
Adjustment or relocation of billboard signs. Includes the erection of a sound barrier as an action that allows relocation of a billboard sign. The bill also allows a billboard to remain in its original location until the Commissioner of Highways or other condemnor gives notice to its owner that the sign must be removed.
HB-377: Billboard signs; adjustment or relocation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Anderson
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0811) on 05/23/2014
False advertisement for regulated services; notice, penalty. [HB-280]
False advertising for regulated services; notice; penalty. Prohibits persons from placing advertisements for services in the Commonwealth requiring a license, certification, or registration through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services unless the individual who will perform such services possesses the necessary license, certification, or registration at the time of the posting. Violations of this provision constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor and a violation of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act. The bill also provides that whenever
HB-280: False advertisement for regulated services; notice, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Albo
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0396) on 03/31/2014
Trespass; signs prohibiting firearms posted on nonresidential building. [HB-1015]
Trespass; signs prohibiting trespass. Provides that a nonresidential building shall not be considered to be posted no trespassing with regard to signs prohibiting the carrying of a firearm or a particular type of firearm unless such signs (i) have been posted where they may reasonably be seen at all entrances to the building or to the part of the building to which the restriction applies, (ii) state the nature of the prohibition in conspicuous type, and (iii) have dimensions of at least five inches by seven inches.
HB-1015: Trespass; signs prohibiting firearms posted on nonresidential building.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Berg
Stricken From Docket By Courts Of Justice By Voice Vote on 02/03/2014
Commercial advertising; permits school board to sell space on school buses and real property. [SB-900]
Sale of commercial advertising space on school buses and real property. Permits a school board to sell advertising space on the exterior of school buses and real property with certain limitations. The limitations include requirements for the size and placement of advertisements on buses and prohibitions on any political, religious, or age-inappropriate advertisement. The bill requires the board to devote revenue from bus advertisements to the costs of transporting students and revenue from real property advertisements to the costs of constructing
SB-900: Commercial advertising; permits school board to sell space on school buses and real property.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Education And Health (15-y 0-n) on 01/24/2013
Advertising; payment of penalties & costs associated with enforcement of prohibition on certain. [SB-888]
Advertising within highway rights-of-way. Provides that penalties and costs collected as the result of an agreement between the Commissioner of Highways and a locality to enforce the prohibition on advertising within highway rights-of-way may be paid to the locality as provided in an agreement between the locality and VDOT.
SB-888: Advertising; payment of penalties & costs associated with enforcement of prohibition on certain.
Sponsored by: Sen. Creigh Deeds
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0457) on 03/16/2013