Courts - Parental Accommodations [HB-1440]
Requiring circuit courthouses in the State, constructed or renovated on or after October 1, 2025, to maintain on its premises a private lactation room to be used by certain individuals; providing that breast-feeding mothers and certain individuals caring for children under 3 years old may be excused from jury service; and requiring the Maryland Judiciary to collect certain information on jury service excusals and report annually to the Maryland General Assembly beginning by December 31, 2025.
HB-1440: Courts - Parental Accommodations
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment [HB-966]
Establishing an Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program within the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide expertise in artificial intelligence to the circuit courts and the District Court in the form of expert testimony on the authenticity of electronic evidence that a court determines may have been created or altered using artificial intelligence; and authorizing the Governor, for fiscal years 2027 and 2028, to include an appropriation of $250,000 in the annual budget bill for the Program.
HB-966: Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2025
Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment [SB-655]
Establishing an Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program within the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide expertise in artificial intelligence to the circuit courts and the District Court in the form of expert testimony on the authenticity of electronic evidence the court determines may have been created or altered using artificial intelligence; authorizing the Governor for fiscal years 2027 and 2028 to include an appropriation of $250,000 in the annual budget bill for the Program; etc.
SB-655: Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Real Property - Transfer-on-Death Deed - Establishment [HB-625]
Altering the Maryland Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act to provide for the disclaimer of nonprobate transfers at death; providing for the creation, revocation, recordation, and effects of a transfer-on-death deed for real property; requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts to develop an informational sheet regarding transfer-on-death deeds; providing example forms for the creation and revocation of a transfer-on-death deed; etc.
HB-625: Real Property - Transfer-on-Death Deed - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m. (judiciary) on 01/27/2025
Criminal Procedure - Automated Expungement [HB-545]
Repealing a certain provision of law requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to expunge certain cases involving charges of possession of cannabis on or before a certain date; and establishing procedures for the automated expungement of certain cases by the Department and the Judiciary.
Criminal Procedure - Automated Expungement [SB-398]
Repealing a certain provision of law requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to expunge certain cases involving charges of possession of cannabis on or before a certain date; and establishing procedures for the automated expungement of certain cases by the Department and the Judiciary.
Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland [HB-315]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland to examine and analyze the efficiency, uniformity, and quality of fiduciary adjudication in Maryland and make recommendations; requiring the orphans' courts, circuit courts, registers of wills, and Administrative Office of the Courts to comply with certain requests of the Task Force; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and make recommendations on or before January 1, 2026.
HB-315: Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/07/2025
Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland [SB-22]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland to examine and analyze the efficiency, uniformity, and quality of fiduciary adjudication in Maryland and make recommendations; requiring the orphans' courts, circuit courts, registers of wills, and Administrative Office of the Courts to comply with certain requests of the Task Force; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and make recommendations on or before January 1, 2026.
SB-22: Task Force to Study Fiduciary Adjudication in Maryland
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Referred Judiciary on 02/14/2025
Courts - Maryland Judicial Public Text Messaging System - Report [HB-240]
Requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts, beginning December 1, 2025, and each December 1 thereafter, to provide a report to the General Assembly containing certain information on the Maryland Judicial Public Text Messaging System; and requiring the report to include a review of any future plans for development, expansion, and implementation of the System.
HB-240: Courts - Maryland Judicial Public Text Messaging System - Report
Sponsored by: Rep. Caylin Young
Hearing 1/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/10/2025
Family Law - Paternity - Surname (Maryland Paternal Naming Rights Act) [HB-1298]
Authorizing the father of a child to file a petition to add the father's surname to the child's name under certain circumstances and establishing related court procedures; and requiring the Maryland Judiciary to develop and update, as appropriate, a training program for judges presiding over petitions filed under the Act.
HB-1298: Family Law - Paternity - Surname (Maryland Paternal Naming Rights Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Caylin Young
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/12/2024
Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders – Review of Court Records [SB-905]
Authorizing researchers affiliated with institutions of higher education who are conducting research to review a court record related to a petition for an extreme risk protective order; requiring the Maryland Judiciary to require an institution of higher education that has researchers reviewing court records to enter into an agreement providing for the storage and handling of the records; authorizing the Judiciary to institute an injunction or other remedy for a violation of the agreement and to prevent disclosure of certain records; etc.
SB-905: Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders – Review of Court Records
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 929 on 05/16/2024
Courts - Maryland Judicial Public Text Messaging System - Report [HB-978]
Requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts, beginning December 1, 2024, and each December 1 thereafter, to provide a report to the General Assembly containing certain information on the Maryland Judicial Public Text Messaging System; and requiring the report to include a review of any future plans for development, expansion, and implementation of the System.
HB-978: Courts - Maryland Judicial Public Text Messaging System - Report
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/18/2024
Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Jury Examination and Workgroup to Study the Voir Dire Process [SB-827]
Specifying the purpose of jury examination in any State court is to identify and remove prospective jurors who are unable to serve fairly and impartially and to allow the parties to obtain information that may provide guidance for the use of peremptory challenges and challenges for cause; establishing the Workgroup to Study the Voir Dire Process; and requiring the Workgroup to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before June 30, 2025.
SB-827: Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Jury Examination and Workgroup to Study the Voir Dire Process
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 3/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2024
Revenge Porn - Civil Action and Reporting Requirement [SB-858]
Authorizing a person to bring and maintain a civil action for defamation under certain circumstances; and altering the prohibition against revenge porn to prohibit a person from knowingly distributing a computer-generated visual representation that is indistinguishable from another actual and identifiable person under certain circumstances.
SB-858: Revenge Porn - Civil Action and Reporting Requirement
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Third Reading Passed (134-0) on 04/08/2024
Juvenile Law - Reform [SB-744]
Altering the jurisdiction of the juvenile court over a child of a certain age alleged to have committed a certain offense; altering certain procedures relating to juvenile intake, detention, and probation; requiring the Secretary of Juvenile Services to include certain programs in a certain plan; requiring the State Board of Victim Services to include certain information about filing a certain complaint in a certain pamphlet; repealing certain provisions relating to the State Advisory Board for Juvenile Services; etc.
SB-744: Juvenile Law - Reform
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/20/2024
Juvenile Law - Reform [HB-814]
Altering the jurisdiction of the juvenile court over a child of a certain age alleged to have committed a certain offense; altering certain provisions relating to the taking of a child into custody by a law enforcement officer; expanding certain provisions of law relating to the entry onto certain school or other property by, and the education of, certain sex offender registrants; altering certain provisions relating to the Commission on Juvenile Justice Reform and Emerging and Best Practices; etc.
HB-814: Juvenile Law - Reform
Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 735 on 05/16/2024