Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act [HB-1509]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for public local employees; applying the Maryland Public Employee Relations Act to county and municipal government employers and their employees; providing that a public employee may be deemed a certain management employee for purposes of establishing collective bargaining rights; establishing impasse procedures for collective bargaining between public local employees and their employers that include binding arbitration; etc.
HB-1509: Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Harris
Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2025
Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act [SB-976]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for public local employees; applying the Maryland Public Employee Relations Act to county and municipal government employers and their employees; providing that a public employee may be deemed a certain management employee for purposes of establishing collective bargaining rights; establishing impasse procedures for collective bargaining between public local employees and their employers that include binding arbitration; etc.
SB-976: Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025
Family Law – Child Support [HB-218]
Altering provisions relating to the commencement of a proceeding to hold a person in contempt of court for the person's default in payment of periodic child or spousal support under the terms of a court order and provisions relating to the commencement of a contempt proceeding for failure to make a payment of child or spousal support under a court order; authorizing the Child Support Administration to take action to secure an assignment to the State of any rights to support on behalf of a child receiving foster care maintenance payments; etc.
Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations [HB-1086]
Altering certain benefits that a certain individual who has been erroneously convicted of a crime is entitled to receive; requiring the State to notify a certain individual of certain information in writing under certain circumstances when the State intends to reduce or prevent an award of compensation to the individual; and repealing obsolete provisions of law relating to the filing of a certain petition for compensation.
HB-1086: Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 138 on 04/25/2024
Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations [SB-890]
Altering certain benefits that a certain individual who has been erroneously convicted of a crime is entitled to receive; requiring the State to notify a certain individual of certain information in writing under certain circumstances when the State intends to reduce or prevent an award of compensation to the individual; and repealing obsolete provisions of law relating to the filing of a certain petition for compensation.
SB-890: Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 139 on 04/25/2024
State Personnel - Whistleblower Law - Procedures and Remedies (First Amendment and Public Employee Protection Act) [HB-517]
Altering the prohibition on reprisal against certain employees for certain disclosures and actions under the Maryland Whistleblower Law in the Executive Branch of State government; requiring the Office of the Attorney General to investigate unresolved complaints within a certain time period; and authorizing the award of certain monetary damages and reasonable attorney's fees and costs in prevailing cases.
HB-517: State Personnel - Whistleblower Law - Procedures and Remedies (First Amendment and Public Employee Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024
Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses [HB-311]
Altering provisions of law relating to the authority of the Child Support Enforcement Administration to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of an individual's child support arrearages for the purpose of suspending the individual's driver's license or privilege to drive under certain circumstances.
HB-311: Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Karen Simpson
Favorable With Amendments {933723/1 Adopted on 04/08/2024
Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception [SB-139]
Establishing a certain exception to the authority of the Child Support Administration to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of an individual's child support arrearages for the purpose of suspending the individual's driver's license or privilege to drive if the obligor's income is at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines; and authorizing the Child Support Administration to consider certain information in determining the income of an obligor under the Act.
SB-139: Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Watson
Favorable Report By Judiciary on 04/05/2024
Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses [SB-174]
Altering provisions of law relating to the authority of the Child Support Enforcement Administration to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of an individual's child support arrearages for the purpose of suspending the individual's driver's license or privilege to drive under certain circumstances.
SB-174: Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Third Reading Passed (104-30) on 04/08/2024
Real Property - Residential Foreclosures - Procedures [HB-247]
Repealing the use of a preliminary loss mitigation affidavit in an order to docket or complaint to foreclose a mortgage or deed of trust on residential property; altering certain requirements for the filing of an action to foreclose a mortgage or deed of trust on residential property and altering certain requirements for an order to docket or a complaint to foreclose a mortgage or deed of trust; establishing that a copy of a notice of intent to foreclose is not a public record and is not subject to the Public Information Act; etc.
HB-247: Real Property - Residential Foreclosures - Procedures
Sponsored by: Rep.
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/07/2024
You have voted HB-699: State and Local Government - Proof of Vaccination for Employees and Applicants for Employment - Prohibition (Vaccination by Choice Act).
Criminal Law - Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting Firearms - Restrictions (Gun Safety Act of 2023) [SB-1]
Prohibiting a person from knowingly wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm in certain locations; prohibiting a person from wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm onto certain property unless the owner or owner's agent has given certain permission; altering certain provisions of law relating to the authority of the Secretary of State Police to limit the wearing, carrying, or transporting of a handgun at certain times and locations; etc.
SB-1: Criminal Law - Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting Firearms - Restrictions (Gun Safety Act of 2023)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 680 on 05/16/2023
Mental Health - Treatment Plans for Individuals in Facilities and Resident Grievance System [HB-121]
Requiring a treatment plan for an individual with a mental disorder admitted to a certain health care facility to include a discharge goal and an estimate of the probable length of the inpatient stay before the individual can be transferred to a certain setting; requiring certain facility staff to review and reassess a plan of treatment within certain time periods; requiring the Department of Health to report annually to the General Assembly on the Resident Grievance System and the grievances received related to State facilities; etc.
HB-121: Mental Health - Treatment Plans for Individuals in Facilities and Resident Grievance System
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 263 on 05/03/2023
Mental Health - Treatment Plans for Individuals in Facilities and Residence Grievance System [SB-8]
Requiring a treatment plan for an individual with a mental disorder admitted to a certain health care facility to include a certain discharge goal and an estimate of the probable length of the inpatient stay the individual requires before transfer to a certain setting; requiring certain facility staff to review and reassess a plan of treatment; establishing an appeals process related to the review of a treatment plan; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to adopt certain regulations relating to the appeals process; etc.
SB-8: Mental Health - Treatment Plans for Individuals in Facilities and Residence Grievance System
Sponsored by: Sen. Malcolm Augustine
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 262 on 05/03/2023
Adult Protective Services - Workgroup to Study Best Practices for a Vulnerable Adult Registry in Maryland [HB-589]
Establishing a Workgroup to Study Best Practices for a Vulnerable Adult Registry in Maryland; providing that the purpose of the Workgroup is to identify the appropriate State agency to operate a vulnerable adult registry, identify how a $1,400,000 grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was allocated and used, if awarded, and study and make recommendations regarding any changes or improvements to State law; and requiring a report of the Workgroup's recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly by June 1, 2023.
HB-589: Adult Protective Services - Workgroup to Study Best Practices for a Vulnerable Adult Registry in Maryland
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Referred Rules on 04/07/2022
Adult Protective Services - Workgroup to Study Best Practices for a Vulnerable Adult Registry in Maryland [SB-357]
Establishing a Workgroup to Study Best Practices for a Vulnerable Adult Registry in Maryland; providing that the purpose of the Workgroup is to identify the appropriate State agency to operate a vulnerable adult registry, identify how a $1,400,000 grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was allocated and used, if awarded, and study and make recommendations regarding any changes or improvements to State law; and requiring a report of the Workgroup's recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly by June 1, 2023.
SB-357: Adult Protective Services - Workgroup to Study Best Practices for a Vulnerable Adult Registry in Maryland
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 190 on 04/21/2022
Adult Protective Services - Vulnerable Adults Registry - Investigations and Records of Abuse and Neglect and Workgroup Study [HB-1281]
Authorizing the Social Services Administration to establish and maintain a centralized confidential database for abused and neglected vulnerable adults; authorizing the Department of Human Services or a local department of social services to identify in the database an individual as responsible for abuse and neglect of a vulnerable adult in certain circumstances; establishing a Workgroup to Study Best Practices for a Vulnerable Adult Registry in Maryland; etc.
HB-1281: Adult Protective Services - Vulnerable Adults Registry - Investigations and Records of Abuse and Neglect and Workgroup Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Wanika Fisher
Hearing 3/04 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/10/2021
Criminal Procedure - Committed Persons - Release Proceedings [HB-728]
Providing that a certain committed person may file exceptions to a certain report of the Office of Administrative Hearings only if that person appeared at a certain release hearing; altering a provision of law to require a court to hold a certain hearing unless all parties that appeared at a certain prior hearing waive the hearing, rather than requiring the court to hold a certain hearing unless a certain committed person and the State's Attorney waive the hearing; etc.
Criminal Procedure - Committed Persons - Release Proceedings [SB-216]
Providing that a certain committed person may file exceptions to a certain report of the Office of Administrative Hearings only if that person appeared at a certain release hearing; altering a provision of law to require a court to hold a certain hearing unless all parties that appeared at a certain prior hearing waive the hearing, rather than requiring the court to hold a certain hearing unless a certain committed person and the State's Attorney waive the hearing; etc.
Maryland No-Fault Birth Injury Fund [SB-862]
Establishing a system for adjudication of a claim involving a birth-related neurological injury; providing equitable compensation, on a no-fault basis, for a limited class of catastrophic injuries that result in unusually high costs for custodial care and rehabilitation; establishing the Maryland No-Fault Birth Injury Fund to provide compensation and benefits to eligible claimants; providing for certain premiums and insurance surcharges to be used to finance and administer the Fund; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
SB-862: Maryland No-Fault Birth Injury Fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. (judicial Proceedings) on 02/21/2018