State Personnel - Service Contracts - Procurement, Audit, and Reporting Requirements

SB 712 State Personnel Service Contracts Procurement, Audit, and Reporting Requirements

Maryland 2014 Regular Session

State Personnel - Service Contracts - Procurement, Audit, and Reporting Requirements

About SB-712

Altering a definition for the purpose of removing authorization that services provided by a State facility may be procured through a service contract; requiring that service contracts for State services be subject to an audit; requiring that audit findings be reported to the General Assembly and made available to the public; requiring that units of State government submit information to exclusive representatives and the public; and providing for the conduct of audits.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/04/2014

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Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m.


Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn


Hearing Cancelled


First Reading Finance
