State Land And Materials

HB 371 State Land And Materials

Alaska 28th Legislature

State Land And Materials

About HB-371

An Act providing for the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to hold the surface estate of certain state land; relating to the transfer of certain state land and materials from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the construction or maintenance of the state highway system, state airports, and state public buildings and facilities; relating to the lease or sale of certain marine or harbor facilities; relating to the lease or disposal by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities of rights-of-way, property interests, or improvements that are no longer required; relating to the grant of certain easements over submerged state land to the federal government; relating to the transfer of certain maintenance stations on the James Dalton Highway to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; relating to the conveyance of land for right-of-way purposes from the Alaska Railroad Corporation to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; and providing for an effective date.


Bill Texts

Comm Sub 03/21/2014

Introduced 03/10/2014

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