Child Care Providers - Registration and Licensing - Exemptions

SB 280 Child Care Providers Registration and Licensing Exemptions

Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Child Care Providers - Registration and Licensing - Exemptions

About SB-280

Exempting certain family child care homes, large family child care homes, and child care centers that serve only dependent children of military personnel and are located on a military base or federal property or certified by a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense or the U.S. Coast Guard from certain registration and licensing requirements for child care providers in the State; authorizing certain entities to assume responsibility for approving or determining which children may be served by exempted child care providers; etc.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 05/18/2023

Enrolled 04/06/2023

Engrossed 03/07/2023

Introduced 01/26/2023

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