Recognizing October 26, 2016, as "Veterans Day at the Capitol 2016" in Pennsylvania to highlight the accomplishments and needs of Pennsylvania's veterans and to raise awareness of the issues veterans face and the benefits they receive while residing in this Commonwealth.

SR 489 Recognizing October 26, 2016, as "Veterans Day at the Capitol 2016" in Pennsylvania to highlight the accomplishments and needs of Pennsylvania's veterans and to raise awareness of the issues veterans face and the benefits they receive while residing in this Commonwealth

Pennsylvania 2015-2016 Regular Session

Recognizing October 26, 2016, as "Veterans Day at the Capitol 2016" in Pennsylvania to highlight the accomplishments and needs of Pennsylvania's veterans and to raise awareness of the issues veterans face and the benefits they receive while residing in this Commonwealth.

About SR-489

A Resolution recognizing October 26, 2016, as "Veterans Day at the Capitol 2016" in Pennsylvania to highlight the accomplishments and needs of Pennsylvania's veterans and to raise awareness of the issues veterans face and the benefits they receive while residing in this Commonwealth.


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