Requires child protective service or other child protective agency to report findings regarding children allegedly abused or neglected within fourteen days where ordered or requested by court to investigate, unless just cause can be shown to extend such time to twenty-one days.

AB 5497 Requires child protective service or other child protective agency to report findings regarding children allegedly abused or neglected within fourteen days where ordered or requested by court to investigate, unless just cause can be shown to extend such time to twenty one days

New York 2015-2016 General Assembly

Requires child protective service or other child protective agency to report findings regarding children allegedly abused or neglected within fourteen days where ordered or requested by court to investigate, unless just cause can be shown to extend such time to twenty-one days.

About AB-5497

Requires child protective service or other child protective agency to report findings regarding children allegedly abused or neglected within fourteen days where ordered or requested by court to investigate, unless just cause can be shown to extend such time to twenty-one days.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/31/1969

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Held For Consideration In Children And Families


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Referred To Children And Families
