Health Insurance and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage - Opioid Reversal Drugs and Products (NARCAN Price Cap Act)

HB 736 Health Insurance and Maryland Medical Assistance Program Coverage Opioid Reversal Drugs and Products (NARCAN Price Cap Act)

Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Health Insurance and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage - Opioid Reversal Drugs and Products (NARCAN Price Cap Act)

About HB-736

Requiring the Maryland Medical Assistance Program and certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations to cover nonprescription naloxone hydrochloride and any other drug or product that is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the complete or partial reversal of an opioid overdose without imposing a copayment or coinsurance requirement that exceeds $10 per package.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/30/2024

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Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Health And Government Operations
