Lead Hazard Title X Amendments Act - Amends the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 to revise the purpose for grants for lead-based paint hazard reduction in target housing. Requires such grants to be made instead for reduction of lead-based paint hazards and correction of other housing-related hazards. Authorizes the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to establish a process by which, in order to verify a family's income level, a grantee may first obtain and use income and program participation information from an entity administering:
Russell National School Lunch Act;
Makes eligible to apply for such a grant, in addition to certain state or local governments, for specified activities relating to lead-based paint hazards:
Makes a private nonprofit organization not partnering with a state or local government eligible all the same to apply for a grant to reduce housing-related health hazards, including any condition of residential real property that poses a risk of biological, physical, radiological, or chemical exposure that can adversely affect human health. Revises grantee selection criteria for a grant to carry out activities relating to lead-based paint hazards, and prescribes criteria for activities relating to housing-related hazards. Prescribes an allocation of funds for grants to assess and correct housing-related health hazards and evaluate the effectiveness of such assessments and corrections. Reauthorizes the Act for FY2014-FY2018.