Provides that the period of immunity from prosecution for a criminal or civil action that a defendant is entitled to by virtue of holding the office of president of the United States shall not apply to the calculation of the time limitation applicable to commencement of such actions.

SB 151 Provides that the period of immunity from prosecution for a criminal or civil action that a defendant is entitled to by virtue of holding the office of president of the United States shall not apply to the calculation of the time limitation applicable to commencement of such actions

New York 2023-2024 General Assembly

Provides that the period of immunity from prosecution for a criminal or civil action that a defendant is entitled to by virtue of holding the office of president of the United States shall not apply to the calculation of the time limitation applicable to commencement of such actions.

About SB-151

Provides that the period of immunity from prosecution for a criminal or civil action that a defendant is entitled to by virtue of holding the office of president of the United States shall not apply to the calculation of the time limitation applicable to commencement of such actions.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/04/2023

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