HR 655 Honoring the life and service of Rocco, a Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Canine Officer who valiantly gave his life in the line of duty to protect others, and offering condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by Rocco
Pennsylvania 2013-2014 Regular Session
Honoring the life and service of Rocco, a Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Canine Officer who valiantly gave his life in the line of duty to protect others, and offering condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by Rocco.
About HR-655
A Resolution honoring the life and service of Rocco, a Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Canine Officer who valiantly gave his life in the line of duty to protect others, and offering condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by Rocco.
HR-655: Honoring the life and service of Rocco, a Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Canine Officer who valiantly gave his life in the line of duty to protect others, and offering condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by Rocco.
You have voted HR-655: Honoring the life and service of Rocco, a Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Canine Officer who valiantly gave his life in the line of duty to protect others, and offering condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by Rocco..