AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 7; Title 12; Title 13; Title 35, Chapter 8, Part 1; Section 37-10-204; Section 38-6-121; Title 39; Title 40, Chapter 6, Part 3; Title 47, Chapter 18; Title 54; Title 55; Title 65; Title 66; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to telecommunications.

SB 1560 AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 7; Title 12; Title 13; Title 35, Chapter 8, Part 1; Section 37 10 204; Section 38 6 121; Title 39; Title 40, Chapter 6, Part 3; Title 47, Chapter 18; Title 54; Title 55; Title 65; Title 66; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to telecommunications

Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 7; Title 12; Title 13; Title 35, Chapter 8, Part 1; Section 37-10-204; Section 38-6-121; Title 39; Title 40, Chapter 6, Part 3; Title 47, Chapter 18; Title 54; Title 55; Title 65; Title 66; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to telecommunications.

About SB-1560

As enacted, authorizes the department of safety to, without payment of financial consideration and following notice to the commissioner of general services, transfer a surplus first responder two-way radio held by the department to the county government of a county that is designated as a distressed county in the most recently published edition of the Appalachian Regional Commission economic classification system index; authorizes other similar transfers after initial transfer. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 7; Title 12; Title 13; Title 35, Chapter 8, Part 1; Section 37-10-204; Section 38-6-121; Title 39; Title 40, Chapter 6, Part 3; Title 47, Chapter 18; Title 54; Title 55; Title 65; Title 66; Title 67 and Title 68.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 05/28/2021

Draft 02/11/2021

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