S 2747 Help America Run Act Government By the People Act of 2021 Restoring Integrity to America's Elections Act Stop Super PAC Candidate Coordination Act Spotlight Act Honest Ads Act DISCLOSE Act of 2021 Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act of 2021 Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2021 Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021 Democracy Restoration Act of 2021 Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2021 Voter Registration Modernization Act of 2021 Voter Empowerment Act of 2021
US Congress 117th Congress
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S.2747: Help America Run Act Government By the People Act of 2021 Restoring Integrity to America's Elections Act Stop Super PAC-Candidate Coordination Act Spotlight Act Honest Ads Act DISCLOSE Act of 2021 Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act of 2021 Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2021 Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021 Democracy Restoration Act of 2021 Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2021 Voter Registration Modernization Act of 2021 Voter Empowerment Act of 2021
You have voted S.2747: Help America Run Act Government By the People Act of 2021 Restoring Integrity to America's Elections Act Stop Super PAC-Candidate Coordination Act Spotlight Act Honest Ads Act DISCLOSE Act of 2021 Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act of 2021 Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2021 Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021 Democracy Restoration Act of 2021 Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2021 Voter Registration Modernization Act of 2021 Voter Empowerment Act of 2021.
Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To The Measure Not Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 49 - 51. Record Vote Number: 420.
Motion By Senator Schumer To Reconsider The Vote By Which Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To S. 2747 Was Not Invoked (record Vote No. 420) Entered In Senate.
Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To The Measure Not Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 49 - 51. Record Vote Number: 420. (cr S7107-7108)
Motion To Proceed To Consideration Of Measure Made In Senate. (cr S7028)
Cloture Motion On The Motion To Proceed To The Measure Presented In Senate. (cr S7028)
Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 125.
Introduced In The Senate. Read The First Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under Read The First Time.